(Clearwisdom.net) Hats off to the lady who heckled the Chinese leader on the White House lawn.
She reminded me of the great Rosa Parks who highlighted the racial segregation laws of Alabama back in the 1950s. And of the "White Rose" protesters who threw leaflets denouncing the Nazi regime from the windows of a Munich university at time when most Germans looked the other way.
The lady on the White House lawn had every reason to be angry. The Communist regime of the so-called "People's Republic" of China has been responsible for numerous horrific crimes against humanity.
The Falun Gong [group] that the protester referred to - whatever one thinks of their beliefs - has millions of followers in China.
Like the adherents to any religious or spiritual belief system, these people deserve the freedom to give non-violent peaceful expression to their beliefs.
Instead, Falun Gong members are subjected to relentless persecution. They are tortured and jailed for their beliefs on a daily basis.
China's immense value and potential as a trading partner has blinded many people in the West to the cruelty and horror that its leaders have inflicted on their own citizens and the people of occupied Tibet. Greed has over-ridden concern about the human rights catastrophe that is Communist China.
Yes. That lady on the White House lawn had every reason to be angry. And I thank God that her protest has been seen and heard by millions in the Free World.