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Boston: Falun Gong Practitioners from Boston Clarify the Truth at Asian Heritage Festival (Photos)

July 13, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Boston

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 9, 2006, the third Asian Heritage Festival was held in Chinatown in Boston. Many Western and Eastern people who like traditional Chinese culture came to the festival. Falun Gong practitioners from Boston took this chance to clarify the truth and spread the Fa.

Western practitioner clarifies the truth to Chinese people
Chinese practitioner clarifies the truth to American people
Young practitioner doing the exercises
Learning the truth while making paper lotus flowers

At the practitioners’ booth, Western practitioners clarified the truth to Chinese people in Chinese as best they could, while older Chinese practitioners also clarified the truth to American people with simple English. Practitioners noticed that more Chinese people accepted materials than before, and some of them took many different kinds of materials.

A couple and their daughter learned the exercises at the booth. Afterwards they felt peaceful and comfortable. Practitioners told them about the brutal persecution and websites related to Falun Gong. They said that they are from Russia, so they know the evil nature of the Communist Party. They wished practitioners good luck.

A Tibetan person asked for a DVD of the "Nine Commentaries on Communist Party." He told practitioners that Tibetan people know about the evil nature of the CCP, because they have also been persecuted.

Many adults and children came to practitioners’ booth to learn how to make paper lotus flowers. The children learned very fast. They also asked for the materials so that they could make more at home. Practitioners clarified the truth to children’s parents and answered their questions.