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A Policeman Begins His Journey of Cultivation after Reading the Nine Commentaries

July 15, 2006


A policeman begins his journey of cultivation after reading the Nine Commentaries

There is an upright and honest policeman who works in a detention center in Shandong Province. He detests the corrupt and incompetent Chinese Communist Party. After he learned how good the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party were, he decided to read them. He thinks the Nine Commentaries truly expose the evil nature of the party. This policeman always goes to visit Falun Dafa practitioners and asks for truth clarification materials. He passes those materials out and he also shows them to prisoners. Recently, he started studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts. He also plays Master’s lectures for prisoners. Many prisoners said they would try to be good persons and they would not do anything against the law.

A town cadre protects practitioners

There are many practitioners in our town. Our fellow practitioners do the three things well. Everyone of us does what we are able to do. Several new cadres who came to our town had been deceived by the propaganda slandering Dafa. After our practitioners clarified the facts to them, the cadres had righteous understandings. Many party cadres understand the heavenly principal of "Good is rewarded. Evil provokes retribution."

In 2003, the chief of the 610 Office wanted to arrest practitioners in our town. However, all the practitioners were informed about this beforehand by the cadres. Thus the chief's plan did not succeed.