Today’s Articles
Aug. 1, 2006
About Dafa
- Boston: Anti-Torture Exhibit Awakens Consciences of Government Workers and Employees of Local Businesses (Photos)
- Boston: Practitioners Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Crimes (Photos)
- UK: Grand Parade Held in London to Stop the CCP's Atrocities (Photos)
- France: Protest Against the Persecution of Falun Gong Held in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Paris
- Austria: Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil to Protest the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)
- Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest against the CCP's Persecution (Photos)
- St. Petersburg, Russia: Practitioners Rally to Protest the Persecution (Photos)
- Russia: Clarifying the Facts in Rybinsk (Photos)
- Helsinki, Finland: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong to Mark July 20 (Photos)
- Schwandorf, Germany: Local People are Pleased to Learn about Falun Gong and Shocked by the Organ Harvesting (Photos)
- Numerous Kidney Transplants in Yuhuangding Hospital, Yantai City, Live Donors Found within Days
- Husband Persecuted to Death, Wife Detained in a Forced Labor Camp
- Urgent Situation: Wang Xiaodong on Hunger Strike to Protest Being Persecuted in the Wuyuan County Forced Labor Camp of Bameng, Inner Mongolia
- Mr. Xin Minduo's Life in Danger
- 61-year-old Disabled Woman in Guangxi Province Persecuted Again by Police
- Zhuhai Practitioner Ms. He Zhiwei Illegally Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Center
- Persecuted for Being Good - Two Family Members Pass Away As a Result of Persecution
- Additional Persecution News from China - July 12, 2005 (45 Reports)
- 172 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Singapore: Falun Gong Practitioners Request to Summon Lee Kuan Yew to Testify in Court
- Japan: Practitioners from Kinki Protest Singapore's Helping the CCP Commit Crimes (Photos)
- Australia: Falun Dafa Association Calls on Singapore Government To Drop the Unreasonable Charges against Practitioners (Photos)
- France: Falun Dafa Association Sends a Letter to President and Prime Minister Regarding the CCP's Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Dafa Practitioners
- Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Must Give Clear Explanation of Organ Harvesting
- Sharing with Singapore Practitioners
- Believing in Dafa Solidly and Cultivating Myself Well by Looking Within
- Sharing with Practitioners Based on the Principles of the Fa
- To Falun Dafa Practitioners Living as Married Couples without Proper Certification
- Truly Cultivate While Assimilating to the Form of Everyday People's Society
- Party Boss in China Advises Subordinates Not to Reveal their Identities While Traveling to Hong Kong
- Weekend Australian: Diplomacy transplant
- Irish Medical Journal Medicine Weekly Publishes Article Exposing Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
- Calgary Herald: Grisly protest condemns alleged organ theft
- Portage Daily Graphic (Manitoba, Canada): Falun Gong Raising Awareness About Human Rights Violations
- The Saratogian (California, U.S.): Educating Saratoga about Falun Gong
- The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan): Falun Gong members seek Sask. support