Today’s Articles
Aug. 12, 2006
About Dafa
- Investigation Leads: There Is a Good Chance That a Concentration Camp Holding Dafa Practitioners Exists in Huaihua District
- Deaths of Practitioners from Sichuan Province Raise Suspicions of Organ Harvesting
- Organ Harvesting Suspected in the Murders of Ms. Fu Keshu and Mr. Xu Genli, Practitioners Visiting the Jinggang Mountain Area (Photos)
- Practitioner Mr. Yang Qiansheng from Hunan Province Died from Repeated Blood Draws and Bone Marrow Removal
- Mr. Sun Guo Has Been In Solitary Confinement for 2 Months
- Four Missing Practitioners from Hubei and Liaoning Provinces
- Ms. Yu Chunxiang and Three Other Practitioners Force-fed Daily for over a Month at Masanjia Labor Camp
- Over 20 Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike at Changlinzi Labor Camp
- A Photo Reminds Me of Another Sad Story (Photo)
- Detailed Information about the Death of Yu Tianyong, a Dafa Practitioner in Mishan City who Died from Persecution in 2002
- Ms. Hu Meizhen Persecuted at Majialong Forced Labor Camp Twice, Now Subjected to Persecution at Jiangxi Womens Forced Labor Camp
- Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Ma Jianshe from Xinji City, Hebei Province
- The Persecution Experienced by Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Province (Part 2)
- The Persecution of Practitioners Ms. Sun Ruifen and Ms. Ding Huiping from Nanpi County in Hebei Province
- Ms. Wang Xiaohui from Panzhihua, Sichuan Province Tortured by Police Officers
- The Persecution Experience of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Guofeng from Yushu City, Jilin Province
- Ms. Yang Xiuling Illegally Arrested Many Times
- Additional Persecution News from China July 21, 2006 (21 Reports)
- Additional Persecution News from China July 28, 2006 (35 Reports)
- 80 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Czech Republic: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the 'Colors of Ostrava' Music Festival (Photos)
- Dublin, Ireland: Practitioners Hold Rally to Protest CCP Atrocities of Live Organ Removal (Photos)
- Taipei, Taiwan: A Church Pays Attention to CCP Live Organ Harvesting Crimes (Photo)
- Indonesia: CCP Atrocities Extend to Indonesia, Peaceful Practice Meets with Violent Assault (Photos)
- Singapore: Practitioners Decide to Defend Themselves - Trial Postponed
- Our Group Exercise Site: Jian-Shin Park, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (Photo)
- Taiwan: Children Study the Fa and Improve Xinxing at Minghui Summer Camp (Photos)
- Radio Australia BBC Monitoring: Falun Gong claims victory in dispute over Canberra banners
- The Guardian (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada): Group charges China executing Falun Gong followers for organs
- Cherished Memory: Revered Master Teaches the Fa in Qiqihar
- My Understanding of Letting Go of the Thought of Life and Death
- To Correct a Wrong Thought
- Completely Negate the Old Force Arrangements on the Issue of Illegal Sentencing
- When Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts No Human Notions Should be Mingled
- A Cultivator Should Be in Accord with Dafa First to Be a Good Person
- Some Thoughts on Studying Masters Article "For the Good of the World"
- My Limited Understanding on Cultivating Solidly
- Dont View "I Like" or "I Dislike" as Yourself
- Over 100 People Renounce the CCP When Three Practitioners Visit Their Villages
- Ascension of Life with the Fa
- The Wonderful Things That Falun Dafa Has Brought To Me
- Three Years of Cultivation During the Fa Rectification Period
- Kuang Hengs Remarks on "Disasters and Unusual Phenomena" and "The Emperor Leads by Example"