Greetings Respected Master!
Greetings Fellow Practitioners!
My aunt first introduced me to Falun Gong during the summer of 1996. Everyone in my aunt's family practices Falun Dafa. At the time, I was only 11-years-old and did not understand yet what Falun Dafa was all about. I was a well-behaved boy and my aunt liked me very much. When I saw my aunt's family members practicing Falun Gong I went along with them. After practicing for a while, I felt relaxed in mind and body. I never felt tired. When on my way to my aunt's home to study the Fa I was so energetic that I wondered if someone was helping me along. I shared my experience with my aunt and she agreed with me that it was our merciful Master helping and encouraging me to become firm in cultivating Dafa. After I entered middle school, my workload increased a lot. At the same time, I did not quite appreciate the preciousness of the Fa. I was not studying the Fa and practicing the exercises daily. The state of only cultivating on and off lasted for quite a long time, actually until the persecution of Falun Gong began. Then, I gave up practicing entirely.
I came to Ireland in March 2004, where I returned to the cultivation path. At the beginning I was doing well with the three things that our Master asked of us. After I found a job, everything changed. I had to pay a college fee and some other costs to go abroad, so I borrowed a lot of money. I was hurrying to pay off my debts and worked hard daily. I didn't have time to do what Fa rectification period Dafa disciples should do. One entire year was wasted. Thinking back, I feel unworthy of Master's merciful salvation.
Clarifying the Truth to Family Members
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published at the end of 2004. I saw that many fellow practitioners resigned from the CCP, and so did I. In fact, I didn't clearly understand the true meaning of doing this. Although unsure of the reasons behind resigning from the party, I began to clarify the facts to my family members. At first, my heart wasn’t in it. I didn't realize that this meant rescuing many people. Even though I did encourage them to quit the evil party, I only paid attention to the form. Because of my sentimentality towards my family members and my zealous heart, I didn't obtain good results. After studying the Fa, sharing with other practitioners and reading related articles on Minghui/Clearwisdom, I read the Nine Commentaries again seriously. At last, I obtained a new understanding about the quitting the CCP issue.
The second time I tried to persuade my family members to quit the evil party I held a better understanding. My heart was pure and clean and my thoughts were righteous. In addition I followed a certain technique - I would not ask them to quit the party directly. Our discussion began from the present situation in the Chinese community. Its nature hit my parents deeply. My mother lost her job seven years ago and didn't receive any compensation. The factory was sold where my father worked and he received some compensation but lost his job too. He also didn't have any pension. After that I returned to the subject of the history of the party. During our discussion I tried to make them remember the past, which had been sealed up in their minds for a long time. Everything they experienced was during the worst periods of the party's persecution. The party also tried to strengthen their fears, and factors of the evil party in other dimensions, in an attempt to stop me from clarifying the facts. Because of this, I would send forth righteous thoughts continually and told them that a person's heart was most important and that they could quit the CCP using a pen name. There are 1.3 billion people in China--how could the evil party identify a single person? I then continued to talk with my family about the stories of "Tsunami" and "Darkness and Light." They didn't really want to listen to me in the beginning, but they were very quiet. I realized then that the evil party factors were interfering less and less with them and the atmosphere became more upright. In the end, they quit the party and now have a chance for a bright future.
After this I clarified the truth continually and encouraged my mother to tell other relatives. She finally agreed and persuaded all of our relatives to quit the party. My mother is not a practitioner. She tried only once to get into the practice, but didn't have the confidence to continue. I phoned my aunt, hoping that she would help my mother. My aunt thought it was a good idea and I arranged her to meet my mother on the Internet. When I met my mother again, she had a big smile and told me, "I have a pen and paper and am ready to write." Now I am certain that my mother and my aunt have persuaded all of my relatives to quit the party. As a result of their righteous actions a miracle happened a week later - my mother took my 84-year-old grandmother for a physical examination at a hospital. My grandmother's diabetes had disappeared and she had fully recovered from all of her illnesses. The news shocked everyone in my family. Initially, my family thought that it was a good diet that cured her illnesses, but my father and I think this is quite funny. We know that it is because my grandmother says "Falun Dafa is good" and "Zhen, Shan, Ren is good" every day.
Thank you magnificent Master!
Thank you everyone.
Category: Journeys of Cultivation