(Clearwisdom.net) In 1999, in an attempt to fabricate a legal basis for its persecution of Falun Dafa, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) quickly revised Article 300 of the Criminal Law, which applies to so-called crimes committed by "anyone using an 'evil cult' to undermine the law." It is the CCP that is actually the evil cult. Falun Dafa, which the CCP has falsely accused, is the righteous Fa that teaches people to be benevolent. I will discuss the absurdity of the CCP's use of Article 300 to persecute Dafa.
First of all, let us assume that if a person had used an "evil cult" in the commission of a crime, one would use common sense or generally accepted standards to apply the relevant law to the criminal activity. There would be no need for Article 300 at all. If there were actual cases in which people had used an "evil cult" in the commission of a crime that was not punishable by law, then we should revise the existing law to address the crime directly. This is because China uses the continental law system, based on laws that have been formulated in writing. For example, if we did not have laws pertaining to the use of. an "evil cult" to instigate suicide, we should supplement existing law to address the instigation of suicide. The charges would then have their basis in the actual crime committed, rather than in the construct of using an "evil cult" or "organization" to commit the crime. Logically speaking, this article of the law is totally meaningless.
The CCP could use this absurd logic to create laws to penalize anyone it wanted. If it wanted to prevent people from being good, it could pass a law against "crimes committed while trying to be a good person." If it wanted to ban dogs, it could enact legislation against "undermining the law by raising dogs." If Jiang did not like having others judge him negatively, he could enact a law against "undermining the law by bad-mouthing state officials." In essence, these laws do not address the commission of crimes, but rather actions that lawmakers do not want people to perform. Regardless of whether the action was right or wrong, anyone performing the action would be breaking the law, and the charge would be "undermining the law" by performing that action. What crime would that person commit? None, except performing an action the CCP did not like. The logic is not only absurd, it is also unreasonable and intentionally circular. It is shameful that such a law could be enacted.
This absurd, constructed law has confused the very notions of right and wrong. It does not provide an ethical judgment; it only dictates what is allowed and what is not. And yet the CCP uses it as the legal basis for threatening the most upright and kindhearted Falun Gong practitioners. Throughout its history, the CCP has used such derived charges solely to persecute others, to confuse right and wrong, and to force people to give up traditional standards for judging the difference between right and wrong. This absurd logic and its inhuman implementation have poisoned generations of Chinese. We hope that more and more people will realize the true nature of the CCP. Do not be frightened by extortion from the CCP's absurd, evil law, for an evil law is itself a violation of the true Law.
Category: Perspective