(Clearwisdom.net) The "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition is now being held at the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial in Yunghe City. Yonghe City, adjacent to Taipei, is a small township with a high population density of over 41,000 people per square kilometer. On October 21, Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners held a parade to let more people know about this exhibit.

Front view of the parade procession
Flag troupe

Young drummers

Onlookers were excited to see the parade
The Falun Gong parade was led by the Flag and Drum Troupe of New Tang Dynasty TV. Ms. Wu said that she was attracted to the parade when she heard the drumbeats and she was excited to learn the news of the art exhibition from the parade. Ms. Wu was having a lunch party in a nearby restaurant. She said that the Flag and Drum Troupe is very good. She asked for extra copies of exhibition fliers and said that she would share them with her relatives at the party.

The parade procession

Parade attracted a huge crowd
Following the Flag and Drum troupe was a group of celestial maidens and an exercise demonstration group of more than 100 practitioners. Behind the demonstration group was a giant Falun Dafa banner and a group of practitioners waving small Falun Dafa flags. Behind the flag group was a waist drum troupe formed by little practitioners and then another waist drum troupe formed by adult practitioners. The procession marched through several major streets, attracting many street vendors, residents and passersby.

Practitioners soon ran out of truth-clarifying materials due to high demand from onlookers

Passerby reads a flier about the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition
Mr. Li said that these practitioners were so admirable as they used their own spare time to promote Falun Dafa. "They are very devoted, and the parade is very touching," he commented. Ms. Wang said, "Falun Gong is really for the welfare of the public and society. Activities of this kind should be held more often."
Ms. Zhuo is a street vendor and has seen many parades. However, this was her first time seeing a Falun Gong parade. "They are very peaceful, and this parade is so different from others," she said.
Many security guards or managers of high-rise condos came out to ask for materials from the practitioners. One even offered to distribute art exhibition fliers to all the residents of his building.
Mr. Zhou was drinking tea outside a store belonging to his friend while the parade passed by. He said, "I have seen several Falun Gong activities. No matter what they do, whether it's group practice or a parade, their activities are always very peaceful. Practitioners in China are so innocent. In such a communism state without human rights, the regime has no limit on arbitrarily arresting people." Mr. Zhou said that he had not been to China for three years because of the persecution. "I support human rights, and the Chinese Communist Party should stop the persecution of Falun Gong." Zhou said.
When Mr. Zhou learned that the practitioners of drum troupe bought the drums and suits with their own money, he said: "Great! I know Falun Gong practitioners are good people. You should keep it up." Mr. Zhou accepted a flier for the art exhibition and said that he would bring his friends to the exhibition.
The exhibition will be open to the public from October 20 to October 31. The opening ceremony, held on October 20, attracted several hundred viewers. One viewer said, "I saw many round light circles on every painting." After viewing all the paintings, one viewer cried, and a senior wanted to learn Falun Gong at the exhibition site.
Category: April 25 Events