(Clearwisdom.net) FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA.--NTDTV's Holiday Wonders brought its celebration of classical Chinese music and dance to the Broward Center for Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, and the audience heartily approved.
Gabriel Carrero and his wife Marilu came with some friends to see the show. (The Epoch Times)
Gabriel Carrero and his wife Marilu recently moved to Fort Lauderdale from Venezuela; they came to the show with some friends.
Gabriel said the show was "...very interesting. You hear a lot of the history of other countries, but not a lot about the history of China, so I learned a lot. I have seen other Broadway shows, but this was different. This show was more focused on telling a story through the dance and the music."
"A story about the culture," Marilu added. "The colors, the costumes... and some of the dances were just incredible."
Gabriel and Marilu agreed that their favorite acts were the "Mongolian Bowl Dance" and the two drum numbers.
"I also like a lot the one in the park," Gabriel added. "That told a very interesting story about the repression and the struggle that they [Falun Gong practitioners] go through."
"I learned a lot about ancient history and another country's culture."--Nicole Aguilar. (The Epoch Times)
Nicole Aguilara, a Florida resident who owns her own party-planning and gift-basket businesses, was exuberant about the show. "I felt like I was traveling to another country," she exclaimed.
"I loved the diversity, the splash of culture, and it's kind of like time travel at the same time, because I learned a lot about ancient history and different ways, and another country's culture."
Adam Farber and his wife came down from Orlando to visit relatives and to see the show. "This is the first time I have ever seen this kind of show," he told an Epoch Times reporter. "I liked the drums a lot, and the 'Mongolian Cups' dance."
Claudio Lopez, from Italy, was in Fort Lauderdale on vacation and decided to see the show. Claudio said the show was his first experience with Oriental culture.
Claudio Lopez enjoyed learning about a different culture. (The Epoch Times)
"It was quite different from other shows I have seen. They focus on things that normally we don't think about, like faith, flowers, the dancing ... For me it was quite a nice experience to see different things that I am not used to seeing."
Claudio said his favorite part of the show was a dance describing the repression suffered by Falun Gong practitioners in China.
"It is quite strange to see that someone is getting punished for doing nothing but this. It was quite a touching thing to see."
"...the colors, the costumes, the precision ... It's all just perfect."--Jan Mitchell (The Epoch Times)
One young couple that had come to the U.S. from mainland China remarked how pleased they were to find people in America who appreciated Chinese culture.
When asked what she thought of the show, Jan Mitchell, a legal secretary from Fort Lauderdale, replied, "I think it's wonderful; the colors, the costumes, the precision with which they perform all their dancing is better than the Rockettes. It's all just perfect."
Karl Raade brought his whole family from San Francisco to see the show. He said that his whole family loved the show, and that he himself cared most for the beautiful dances, because he knew it was something his three young daughters would appreciate.
"Samantha and Lilly liked the fan dancers ['Lightness and Grace'], while Phoebe liked the 'Mongolian Cups' dance."
Karl's wife Lisa saw an ad for Holiday Wonders in a San Francisco newspaper. She said, "It was such a beautiful ad, my heart just stopped, and I thought, I really want my girls to see this."

Adrian Morales is a music producer from Fort Lauderdale. (The Epoch Times)
"It was amazing," said Adrian Morales, a music producer from Fort Lauderdale. "I have never seen Chinese culture presented in this way. It was really mind-blowing."
"The music blended perfectly with the dances. The drum parts were especially powerful. The music reinforced all the images the dancers were conveying."
Adrian was particularly impressed by the scenery. "I love the fact that they have this kind of 3-D and video incorporated into the scene."
When asked which acts he enjoyed most, Adrian replied, "The 'Mongolian Cups' dance... and the end ['Victory Drums'] was perfect. The beginning gathered the tension, it set the mood for the rest of the show. I would see it again, anytime."

Shanna and Gabriel Salama found the show amazing. (The Epoch Times)
Shanna and Gabriel Salama moved to Florida from Venezuela seven years ago. They knew nothing of Chinese culture and had no idea what to expect. They described the show as being "...very professional, very colorful; they really amazed us." Their favorite acts were the "Drummers of the Tang Court" and the "Mongolian Cups" dance.
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media