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Share Experiences and Become Diligent Together

Feb. 8, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Hefei City, Anhui Province


Below is what I enlightened to in cultivation:

About Sickness Karma

I suffered a long period of sickness karma back in the winter of 2005. I had a headache, felt cold all over my body, vomited and had diarrhea (whenever I ate or drank). From the very beginning I listened to Master’s lectures, and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the dark minions and rotten demons that persecuted my physical body. However, the sickness karma remained the same and showed no sign of getting better.

When I was listening to the Fa one day, I suddenly realized that the Fa-rectification situation changes very quickly and the cosmos our bodies correspond to are also changing quickly and are assimilating to the Fa, level by level. At that moment, I felt extremely hot in the head and all my symptoms disappeared..

About Group Study

Fellow practitioners have mentioned group study more than once to me. All along, I felt it was not very necessary for us, because I, and the practitioners I know, pay great attention to Fa study. We spend plenty of time studying and reciting the Fa every day, and we always share experiences with each other. I felt this was good enough and that we could adjust the time for Fa study according to our own schedules.

Urged by a coordinator, we started group study. During the group study I discovered a problem I had when I was studying alone (that is, I would easily add or omit words when reciting by myself) and was able to correct it in group study. At the same time, I could point out the same problem for others.

Because what we study is the great Fa of the cosmos, it’s not allowed to add or omit any words because each word is an image of Teacher’s Law Body.

About Prejudice

All alone I found a problem among practitioners, that is whenever a practitioner does something good, fellow practitioners all say how good s/he is, like, "He has strong righteous thoughts, he has no fear attachment, he has done such and such, or even how young and beautiful he has become through cultivation." However, whenever a practitioner does something wrong, fellow practitioners remember all the things he didn’t do well and are judgmental, using their own notions. I think this is serious prejudice, and is a loophole the old forces can easily take advantage of. It’s an unnecessary tribulation for the fellow practitioner being judged.

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.