Today’s Articles
April 22, 2007
About Dafa
- Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference
- Divine Performing Arts To Perform in Korea Despite CCP Interference
- Taiwan: The Profound Content of Divine Art Touches the Soul (Photos)
- Renowned Philosopher Discusses the Outstanding Achievements of Divine Performing Arts (Photo)
- Taiwan: Divine Performing Arts Receives Proclamations (Photos)
- Taiwan: Artists Praise Performance by Divine Performing Arts (Photos)
- Germany: Parliamentary Human Rights Committee Holds Hearing into Allegations of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners in China
- Australia: Guangdong Party Secretary Sued During Visit to Australia, Plaintiffs Request A Trial by Default (Photos)
- New Mexico (USA) : Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Third Annual Japan Festival in Santa Fe (Photos)
- Germany: People of Munich Support the Withdrawals from the CCP (Photos)
- Malaysia: "Activities to Stop the CCP's Persecution and Awaken People Should Be Held Often" (Photos)
- Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Xinzhong's Condition Deteriorates; Family Calls for Medical Parole (Photos)
- Ms. Xue Guiqing Has Died As a Result of Torture in Tianjin Female Prison
- The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Perpetrators in Gucheng County, Shandong Province (Part 1)
- Additional Information about How Zhao Wenpeng Was Savagely Persecuted to Death by the Guiyang Public Security Hospital
- Mr. Huang Jiang from Guangzhou City Arrested by CCP Personnel, His Family Members Harassed and Threatened for Exposing the Persecution (Photo)
- Details of the Persecution of Ms. Huang Jinling by the 610 Office and the National Security Division in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province
- Eight Middle-Aged and Elderly Women Arrested for Practicing Falun Gong Exercises in Private Home
- Ms. Pan Xiuhua and Two Other Falun Dafa Practitioners from Xinjiang Arrested
- Additional Persecution News from China – April 11, 2007 (42 Reports)
- 86 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Practitioner Holds Roomfull of Policemen at Bay with Righteous Thoughts
- Exposing the Local Persecution to the People in Our Whole County
- Look Inward Into Every Thought
- Some Thoughts about the Word "Bound"
- NTDTV Has Taken Root in Our Small Community
- Liberty Times (Taiwan): The Beauty of Classical Dance--The Divine Performing Arts' Last Performance
- Chinese Daily (Taiwan): The US Divine Performing Arts