(Clearwisdom.net) [Note: The author of this article is a 12-year-old high school student. He has been studying Falun Gong books and articles daily with his mother since the beginning of this year. He wrote this article after reading, "Disintegrate the Party Culture," published by Dajiyuan (Chinese version of The Epoch Times).]
A Discussion of Steadily Declining Morality
China, with its 5,000-year history, was a nation where etiquette was valued and therefore earned the respect of all the world's nations. But today's China cannot be compared to ancient China. Today, it is proud of its sex industry, gambling and environmental and moral degradation. Officials are corrupt! Police and bandits are one family and collude to do evil deeds! People cheat and mistrust each other and people only care about personal gain. Let's ask ourselves, what is the cause of all of this? Most likely, someone will tell us that the cause is the dangerously declining morality.
How Can Morality be Ruined, and Why Is It Ruined?
Chinese culture has existed for many centuries. The most precious part is the people's belief in Gods and Buddhas.
- Emperor Tang Taizong of the Tang Dynasty wanted to obtain the Buddhist doctrine, so he ordered monk Xuan Zang to travel from China to India and seek the true scriptures.
- Emperor Liangwu of the Southern Dynasty abdicated and became a Buddhist cultivator.
- Manchu in the far northern border invited the revered Tibetan Lama to preach in the year 1562, during Emperor Shunzi's rule.
- The founders of Confucianism and Daoism, Kong Zi and Lao Zi, have been much venerated, and people have burned incense and lighted candles since ancient times for them.
- Why have the Wen and Jing Dynasties of the Han era, and Tang Dynasty's Zhenguan administration been praised by people for thousands of years?
Why was social convention prevailing and perfect at that time? Because when the people hold the belief in higher truth in their hearts, they will restrain themselves and abide by existing law! The ancients said, "There is a god three feet above one's head." This was said because everyone was in awe of gods. When people have respect in their hearts, they naturally dare not act in a self-serving manner. Social morality will naturally prevail.
Today, respect for gods is almost non-existent. People no longer believe; that is why they will dare to do anything. Without the restraint that belief provides, morality no longer restrains people and law and ethical codes become a mere mirage. "If a person dares to attack me, I must retaliate." This precept is substituted for the ancient precept, "Do for others what you would have them do to you!" Therefore, people are naturally arrogant and aggressive. Today's proverb is, "East wind blows, the battle drum strikes, who fears who nowadays in society." This has replaced the proverb, "The sea accepts hundreds of different (great or small) rivers, that's why it's so big. The mountain has no greed, that's why it's so strong and tall." People do not hesitate to cheat others, acting without the restraint of law and public opinion. Low moral levels have resulted in a series of undesirable professional qualities: Doctors want a red envelop [containing money] for treating patients. Journalists want a red envelop for writing news. Governments want a red envelop for handling affairs. The entire nation only thinks of money.
Now, I want to address the human heart's desire for money and material things that make the human heart beat faster and have quickened the decline of morality. Today, what we hear and see are only undeserved praise such as "good days", "prosperous times, big celebration." Yes, the perception that China is rising is a misnomer. Yes, we have to agree that the hardworking and brave Chinese people, bold engineers, tough workers, farmers who endure hardship, and unceasing foreign investments have built a big country's "prosperous time" and a prosperous material world on the surface. However, behind this facade is social injustice, corrupt officials, huge differences between rich and poor, moral degradation, an abnormal economic system and suppression of freedom of speech. We need to ask ourselves if such development serves the Chinese nation in the long run?
The above description mirrors the Qing Dynasty's last stage, Shanghai's Bund with its dozens of historical buildings [The area centers on a section of Zhongshan Road within the former Shanghai International Settlement, which runs along the western bank of the Huangpu River, facing Pudong, in the eastern part of Huangpu District], and then ten miles of the foreign settlements. That area was one with rampant debauchery, where many glorious dreams were hatched and where people put on a false show of prosperity. Yet, all of that could not save the Qing Dynasty from collapse.
Today's social prosperity is built on the persecution of minority communities and the destruction of the environment. It is impossible for us to use one handsome picture to hide a hundred clowns. We need to face up to the hidden social crisis and to our national disaster.
Zi Gong once consulted Kong Zi about how to rule a nation. Kong Zi said, "First, people need sufficient food and clothing. Secondly, one needs an army, and thirdly one must earn the trust of the people." Zi Gong asked if one would discard one of the options, which one would Kong Zi choose? Kong Zi said, "Forget about the army." Then, Zi Gong asked to choose just one option. Kong Zi chose "warm and acceptable conditions for the people," and said, "Rather not enough food, but keep trust." This is the main objective when ruling a nation. If there is no trust, the nation will be destroyed sooner or later.
When we look at our society, we find that everyone lies when they open their mouth. It has already become natural. Moreover, as they lie, they have already considered the next lie. It is a common Achilles' heel of today that one acts and talks one way in public and does underhanded things secretly. One keeps one's real intentions close to the heart and out of the mouth. In addition, the fake substitutes in products have reached unprecedented heights -- poisonous rice, poisonous flour, poisonous powdered milk, fake cigarettes, fake liquor and fake soybean oil. We are now living in a world of lies. Furthermore, extra-marital affairs, multiple sex partners, and one night stands have all become a way of life in today's society. It has become the norm and has even obtained official protection.
Since ancient China, a proverb was known to all people: "Excessiveness is the source of extreme evil." People had to bow before heaven and earth when getting married. This meant that gods needed to give their blessings for a marriage to be legal. In Jin Yong's novel, "The Legend of Condor Hero," why did Guo and Huang disapprove of the marriage of Yang and Longnu? Yang Guo was the disciple of Xiao Longnu. A Teacher/disciple marriage was considered as depraved as incest! Incest and sexual chaos are often the omens of a country sliding into oblivion. Families are destroyed and morality is disappearing or already destroyed.
- Shang Zhou destroyed the country in ancient China. Nero burnt Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. The killing and destruction all began with one individual and the entire nation's promiscuous, lustful activities. History has left us lessons to learn from!
Before ending I want to warn that destruction of the nation's culture brings the decline of morality. In 2005, the "wolf culture" was fashionable in the entire nation. People in the entire nation adored the "wolf totem," and everyone imitated a wolf's actions and cast aside the nation's ancient symbol, the Chinese dragon. It was even viciously attacked. The teachers of ancient times were role models in their conduct and had great spiritual strength.
- Sima Qian suffered castration and wrote "Shi Ji" (A Record of History).
- Tao Yuanming did not bow for five buckets of rice.
Today, romance novels and pornography are the rage. The bizarre and motley, all kinds of strange things exist. The more strange and warped, the more people like to see or read it. Literature is like this, and film and television has even gone beyond depravity. Gory blood and sexual deprivation have completely destroyed Chinese cultural traditions. Very few can truly understand ancient poetry and drama. Primary and high school students can seldom recognize traditional Chinese characters, and people can't read ancestral writings. In addition, they have not inherited ancestral virtues.
The above is how I perceive the world around me. People spitting everywhere, taking the seats of mother and babies, loud clamoring in public places and other uncivilized behavior can be seen everywhere and at any time. Someone may claim that I am too harsh. But, the above are words that come from my heart after I observed and thought about it. Someone may say that I am too bold and am "getting involved in politics". But I am merely pointing out the destructive behavior of today. My intent is to change today's behavior and restore ancient virtues.
Qu Yuan wrote "Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears, To see my people bowed by grief and fear." Du Fu once complained, "Rich families have so much food, food that decays. Poor families die from cold and hunger on the street corner." Were these people involved in politics?
If this so-called politics is able to awaken a nation, turn our nation around from its present decline in morality, bring happiness to the common people and a peaceful life where morality is valued, wouldn't one say that this is what we should strive for?
I hope sincerely that more people will read my article, realize the truth about today's society, and consider the fate of the individual, family and country. The Chinese nation can't be allowed to slide any further into depravity, immorality and towards destruction!
Category: Perspective