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What a New Falun Gong Practitioner Wants You to Know

April 27, 2007


1. How I Started Practicing Falun Gong

In April 2005, a practitioner introduced me to Falun Gong and explained how the practice improves people's health and uplifts their moral character. However, the Chinese Communist Party had been slandering Falun Gong. The company where I worked sent all its employees who were Falun Gong practitioners to a brainwashing center, isolated them and forced them to write the three statements.

In the division where I worked, they detained a practitioner for a very long time in a small room where guards monitored him.

The detained practitioner is a young, talented landscape engineer, a very valuable employee. Coworkers thought he was foolish because he would not renounce Falun Gong, which they believed would ruin his bright career. He was very steadfast. Eventually, he was forced out of his job, and his wife divorced him. He had to find other ways to make a living. They found it so inconceivable that he would rather give up such a good position than his belief in Falun Gong. So, what is Falun Gong? Why did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) want to suppress Falun Gong? Why do Falun Gong practitioners risk their lives to keep their belief? Although I had been a CCP member for about forty years, I knew that CCP leaders change CCP dogma whenever they want to. I knew I could not trust statements from the CCP. Thus, I wanted find out the truth. I started reading the book Zhuan Falun after someone introduced me to it, and I started practicing. To my own surprise, I could not give it up.

2. The Fa Resolved My Confusion

Teacher told us about the essential purpose of Falun Dafa in "Genuinely Guiding People Toward High Levels" in the first lecture of Zhuan Falun (2000 translation):

"What matter is it to teach qigong toward high levels? Isn't this offering salvation to humankind? Offering salvation to humankind means that you will be truly practicing cultivation,..."

The first time I read this, I thought Teacher was bragging. Then, I contemplated it again. Falun Gong has spread all over the world. There are thousands of practitioners attending each one of Teacher's lectures. How could it be possible that Teacher was not telling the truth? With these thoughts in my mind, I continued reading.

I had practiced other qigong ways and had read some qiqong books, which all taught how to practice exercises. Zhuan Falun contains profound knowledge about attaining higher levels and goes far beyond discussing exercises to purify the body. Reading more and more, I realized that Teacher is bringing us to higher and higher realms. By reading this book, I understood why people have illnesses, as well as how to become a good person and how to eliminate karma. After finishing the whole book, I really understood for the first time the purpose of being a human life. It is to return to one's true self and assimilate to the primary principles of the universe: Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.

I have experienced special states while practicing the Falun Gong exercises, especially while doing the sitting meditation. I feel a strong, warm current circulating inside my body. It is so comfortable. Each time after I practice, I feel refreshed and relaxed.

I have been practicing for two years, and miracles have happened to me. Before practicing Falun Gong, I had so many health problems, and I was hospitalized many times. I had suffered from disc problems and measles for so many years, and medicine did not help. I also suffered from shortness of breath, inflammation of the stomach and other problems. After practicing, all the illnesses disappeared. I used to have take a nap at noon and would still feel very uncomfortable in the afternoon. Now, without a nap, I am energized all day.

During the past two years, I have not taken one single pill, and I have not been hospitalized. I experienced Teacher's mighty compassion through the miracle of Falun Gong. Teacher purified my body and turned me into a healthy person. Although I am in my 60's, I feel much younger.

Believing in Falun Dafa

What is the CCP? The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party exposes the true nature of the CCP. Anyone who has experienced the CCP's past knows that the contents of the Nine Commentaries are true. Nowadays, the overall level of morality of Chinese people has dropped to an extremely low level. Government officials commit all types of crimes once they have power and money. Many do not care whether China's citizens live or die.

Falun Gong practitioners are still suffering from the most appalling persecution in human history. Anyone who has met a practitioner knows that Falun Gong is good. Yet, the persecution of Falun Gong is becoming more and more cruel. The CCP has fabricated a large quantity of propaganda defaming Falun Gong, including the self-immolation incident. The CCP has used all sorts of methods to persecute practitioners, including murder, harvesting their organs while they are still alive, torture, robbery, extorting huge fines, false arrests, and forced labor.

Now, more and more Falun Gong practitioners are standing up and telling people the truth about Falun Gong. However, the CCP continues to stigmatize Falun Gong practitioners as being involved in politics. The CCP has been persecuting Falun Gong and its practitioners so brutally. Should we let the CCP continue the persecution? Heavenly justice will not allow it; the CCP has sealed its fate. Not allowing people to practice such a good cultivation path is a crime against humanity.

My fellow Chinese people, the CCP has lied countless times. Our people have to quickly understand the true nature of the CCP, withdraw from all its organizations and learn the truth about Falun Gong.