(Clearwisdom.net) New Tang Dynasty Television's (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular was staged on January 15, 2008 at the Maisonneuve Theatre in Montreal, Canada. The show brought to the city a Chinese cultural hit. Nearly a hundred dignitaries came to express their congratulations.

Montreal audience intently watches the performance by Divine Performing Arts
Premiere showing of NTDTV's Chinese New Year Spectacular in Montreal drew a standing ovation
Canadian MP Marcel Lussier watched the show for the second year and was very pleased
Lawyer from the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) Alain Vadeboncoeur said, "Very beautiful, each program was very exquisite."
Montreal residents Alfred Ponton, his wife and their daughter attended the show together and had a wonderful time
Quebec Party MP Marcel Lussier of the South Shore area in Montreal remarked in his speech that it was the second time he had been invited to attend the Chinese New Year Spectacular show. He was very pleased to attend. He said that NTDTV is not afraid of the Chinese Communist Party, and respects Chinese history and tradition. All this is very similar to the values of Quebec's people.
Lussier finished by wishing the Chinese people and NTDTV, sponsor of the Chinese New Year Spectacular, a Happy New Year. He highly commended NTDTV's contribution to cultural diversity in Montreal.
Montreal City Councilor Karim Boulos remarked at the reception that he was invited to attend the VIP reception and watch the Chinese New Year Spectacular by Divine Performing Arts last year. He complimented the show's high standards.
MP Loves Chinese Culture
MP Lussier noted that the show this year used even more high-tech ways of expression. He liked the backdrops very much, and the designs and colors were even more beautiful. He said that the program about Falun Gong was also quite different from last year. He was deeply impressed.
Mr. Lussier said that he has recently had many contacts with Chinese culture. He went to China and visited many museums in three weeks. In Canada, he had participated in about a dozen cultural events held in Chinese community in Montreal.
Mr. Lussier commented that the content of the programs at tonight's show was even richer, and the costume colors and dance performances were even more outstanding. "I could feel the performers' facial expressions. Both male and female performers were great."
"In terms of dances, I liked the Tibetan dance very much," said Mr. Lussier.
Montreal Lawyer Looks Forward to the Spectacular Show
Alain Vadeboncoeur is a lawyer working at Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
It was the first time that he attended the performance presented by Divine Performing Arts. He said that he did not see the show last year, because he did not know it was so good. He went to the theater too late and all the tickets were sold out. He said that this year, he bought tickets for the show two months early, as soon as he saw the notice about it. He said that he really enjoyed himself today.
"What impressed me the most was the program related to Falun Gong. That dance did not speak a word, but I could feel that it conveyed a profound message," said Vadeboncoeur. He was deeply impressed by the inner spirit expressed by Falun Gong.
A Christmas Gift-Watching Performances by Divine Performing Arts
Montreal resident Alfred Ponton, his wife and his daughter attended the show together.
"I liked the vocalist very much. Her voice was so deep and resonant," said Ponton.
The Ponton family also appreciated drum dance very much. They said that the drumming was synchronized, and the movements were coherent and smooth. It was very beautiful.
Finally, Mr. Ponton told the reporter that the two tickets were their daughter's Christmas presents for him and his wife. They had a wonderful time at the show, and gained some new understanding of Chinese culture.