(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Suzhen lived in Tieling City, Liaoning Province. She began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. Before practicing, she had severe heart disease, lymph tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal disease, neurasthenia, and a urethral stone. She used to spend more than ten thousand yuan a year on medical cost. But after cultivation, all her illnesses disappeared.

Ms. Sun Suzhen
After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, Ms. Sun Suzhen went to Beijing to clarify the truth, but was blocked in Jinzhou City. In August 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but was taken back to Tieling City and detained for 15 days. In September 1999, she went to Beijing again. She was chased by police in Beijing, arrested and taken back to Tieling City, and detained in Tieling City Detention Center for a month.
In April 2000, Ms. Sun went to Beijing to appeal again and was taken back by police from the Tieling City Liaison Office in Beijin. She was detained in the Tieling City Detention Center for a month then sentenced to one year of forced labor, which she served in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City.
On May 28, 2001, Ms. Sun Suzhen went back to Changchun City to take care of her father in the hospital. Police officer Wang (male, given name unknown) and others from Tieling City followed her for many days and arrested her when she was in her younger brother's house. They took her to a police station in Changchun City and asked about her husband's whereabouts. Her husband also practices Falun Dafa. He had to leave home to avoid being arrested, and no one has known his whereabouts ever since. Officer Wang twisted her arm backward when she answered she did not know. Officer Wang broke her arm with a loud crack, then pushed her into a police vehicle. She passed out due to the extreme pain. On the second day, when she returned home to Tieling City, a dozen police officers forced open her door with a power drill and ransacked her home. They did not find anything that could be used as "evidence," but they took their four thousand yuan cash. The police then arrested Ms. Sun and detained her for another 15 days in the Tieling City Detention Center. After they released her, agents still closely watched her. Once she came down from her apartment building to buy some food, and the police waiting there arrested her again. They took her to the district police department and hung her by her wrists for six hours until she was sweating all over her body, her face was pale, and her heart could not take the torture any longer. When she was about to die, the police took her down.
In January 2002, Ms. Sun Suzhen was sentenced to five years in prison. Because she was extremely weak as a result of the torture in the detention center, the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City refused to accept her many times. However, Tieling City 610 Office stubbornly would not release her and made the prison accept her even though her physical condition was not good enough.
In her three years in prison, Ms. Sun endured inhuman mistreatment, such as electric baton shocks by Chair Li Hong (male), and kicks by Warden Guo (male) with leather boots. She still had dark bruises on her calves even in death. Because Ms. Sun refused to accept the brainwashing, the guards forced her to stand and do slave labor from 6:30 a.m. to after 9 p.m., and they never allowed her to sit down in the more than three years of her prison term. Guards did not allow her to be visited by family because she firmly held onto her faith. She had no money to buy toilet paper, so she had to use recycled packing paper. She had no warm clothes to wear in the winter and no comforter to cover herself with at night. She was always hungry from lack of food, and she only weighed 100 pounds even though she was 1.68 meters tall.
On March 26, 2005, due to the long term hunger and slave labor, Ms. Sun fell. Her head fell in the glue pan, and they had to cut off a large amount of her hair. The guards still wanted her to work. She told them she felt dizzy, both of her legs trembled, and she had no energy to work any more, but the guards only hit her with sticks. On the morning of March 29, 2005, she fell again, her heart almost stopped, and half of her body lost sensation. She suffered incontinence of urine and feces, her mouth and eyes were awry, she could not eat, and her life was in danger. The Prison Administration feared taking responsibility for her life and that night, notified her family to pick her up on medical leave.
Her husband has been on the police "wanted list" for the past six years, and her college student son was detained in the Dalian City Prison with a four year term, also because he practices Falun Gong. Her eighty year-old mother-in-law came from Changchun City to take care of her. Their family hasn't had a salary for five years, and their savings of twenty thousand yuan (for her son's wedding) were stolen by the police. Ms. Sun's four limbs never fully recovered from her injuries. On top of all that, the prison guards and local police constantly harassed her. The prison said she needed to renew her medical leave once a month with the hospital's approval. The local police assigned people to watch her closely. Ms. Sun Suzhen never recovered from her severely damaged health and died on February 18, 2008, at age 58.
February 22, 2008