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More Than a Dozen Shanghai Practitioners Arrested at Home While Watching the Chinese New Year Splendor on NTDTV

March 2, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) At around 9:00 a.m. on February 22, 2008, more than one dozen practitioners were arrested while watching the NTDTV Chinese New Year Splendor in Mr. Ma Guobiao's home. Police ransacked the home and detained Mr. Ma and his parents at the Jiading District Detention Center. The remaining practitioners are being detained at their home district detention centers.

The NTDTV Chinese New Year Splendor is performed by Divine Performing Arts to promote five thousand years of genuine traditional Chinese culture. The arrest of Mr. Ma's family and other practitioners is an example of how Chinese people do not have the right to watch this show in the privacy of their own homes. These arrests also show that the CCP is fearful of the public watching this performance. We call upon people of the world to express their concern and condemn these human rights violations in China.