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Eliminating Attachments by Reading the Clearwisdom Website

March 21, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, I read the compilation of articles entitled "Uplifting Xinxing and Eliminating the Attachment to Lust." I was deeply moved, and I decided to completely eliminate my attachment to lust.

After practicing Dafa, I always excluded myself from being around that which Teacher talked about in Fa lectures regarding the lust attachment, since I did not have any sexual relationship with others, including my husband, before marriage. I removed inappropriate videos from my computer, but I still occasionally looked at pornographic material or dirty novels on the Internet. Each time I wished I hadn't made such mistakes, knowing that it was wrong, but I did not eliminate the attachment from my mind.

When I study the Fa on a regular basis, the mistakes I make regarding lust become fewer, but when I don't keep up with Fa study, I would make those mistakes. Last year, I studied Teacher's Fa, "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference:"

"I said long ago that sexual attraction and desire are a fatal roadblock that a cultivator absolutely must overcome. [Those people are] driven by human feelings and emotions way too much."

I remembered deeply in my mind that "sexual attraction and desire are a fatal roadblock that a cultivator absolutely must overcome." When such unrighteous thoughts emerge, I asked myself, "Do you still want to cultivate in Dafa? Teacher already said that sexual attraction and desire are a fatal roadblock that a cultivator absolutely must overcome, so if you are still a cultivator, you must eliminate the attachment." After several times, my desire for lust decreased, as well as the behaviors associated with it.

Actually, I read the compilation of articles from "Uplifting Xinxing and Eliminating the Attachment to Lust" during the past year, but I just took a quick look at a few of the articles mentioned in it, and I did not look inward. This time, I came to recognize that an unrighteous thought about lust would be blasphemous towards Dafa, and is irresponsible towards ourselves. For example, when someone attractive walks by, even if that person has natural beauty, we must do as Teacher said in "Lecture at the First Conference in North America" "...I ignore what I see, and I don't listen to anything."

In this lecture, Teacher also taught us,

"Do you know what a wicked person is? Why is a wicked person wicked? It's because that person's mind is filled with too many bad things. He has learned too many bad things, and his mind is full of wicked thoughts. He's a wicked person, regardless of whether or not it's apparent. So where did these bad things come from? Didn't they come from what he heard? [That monk would feel:] 'I don't want anything, I don't listen to bad things, I ignore what I see, and I don't listen to anything.' What is a good person? You're a good person if your mind is full of good thoughts. If there are only good thoughts in your mind, what you do will meet the criteria. All behaviors are directed by one's brain, so what you do will certainly be good things."

("Lecture at the First Conference in North America")

I used to think I was a good person, but actually I was also a "wicked person" as Teacher described, because my mind was filled with too many bad things.

Another attachment of mine is Korean dramas. Even during very busy times such as promoting the Divine Performing Arts events, I also tried to set aside time to watch a Korean TV series. Two days before the Divine Performing Arts show was canceled in Korea, I suddenly recognized that this attachment is something not unlike an addiction to gambling in the stock market. My mind was stirred by the development of the plot, and I could not calm down to study the Fa. So I decided to eliminate the attachment to TV. I was very surprised and repentant because most of the Korean dramas I watched are produced by KBS. Every day I send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil's interference, but I was still addicted to its TV series, and that may be a form of enhancing the evil's energy.

Fellow practitioners pointed out the significance of reading the articles posted on the Clearwisdom.net website. They mentioned that diligent fellow practitioners will frequently read the experience-sharing articles that are posted, while less diligent practitioners read them only once in while. I realized from this that I didn't try to read any of the sharing articles on Clearwisdom during the times when I was less diligent. So in this respect, the Clearwisdom website seems like an experience-sharing conference, which helps every practitioner to improve themselves. I hope every practitioner in China and abroad will take the time to read Clearwisdom.net, share their insights and improve together.