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Mr. Lu Renqing Dies after Being Transferred to Three Different Prison Facilities

May 14, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Lu Renqing, 39, lived in Majiazi Village, Xinbin County, Liaoning Province. He was known for being ill tempered. He suffered from severe headaches, and he was also very attached to money. After he began practicing Falun Dafa in March 1999, he became a better person. People wanted to befriend him, he was willing to help others financially, and he no longer had headaches.

He could not understand why the CCP banned Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, so he decided to go to Beijing to appeal for this good practice that had benefited him both spiritually and physically. He was arrested in Beijing before he was able to get to the Office of Appeals. The police took him back to Xinbin County and he was detained for 15 days. He returned to Beijing after released but was arrested again on September 9, 1999, and once again taken back to Xinbin County and sentenced to two years of forced labor

After he was released from Fushun City Forced Labor Camp in March 2000, Dasiping Town Police Department Director Guo Jian (male) and four or five officers went to Mr. Lu Renqing's home and arrested him again. He was taken to the Xinbin County Detention Center. Mr. Lu escaped on the way and had to leave home to avoid being arrested.

On July 1, 2002, officers from Fushun City Police Department arrested him while he was clarifying the truth in Fushun City. He was cruelly beaten and detained in the Fushun City Second Detention Center for four months, where he incurred scabies all over his body. He was sentenced to six and a half years in prison and taken to Dabei Prison located in Shenyang City. In December 2002, he was transferred to Huazi Prison in Liaoyang City.

Mr. Lu remained steadfast in abiding by "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" during his term lasting several years in Huazi Prison. He was inhumanly tortured by being locked in a small cell (1) and brutally force-fed.

On the morning of September 27, 2004, under orders from the guards, three prisoners coerced Mr. Lu into an empty cell, stuffed his mouth, and then beat him until all three of the prisoners were exhausted. He was injured all over his body and had two broken ribs. The three prisoners carried him back to their cell. Two male guards Wang Jianjun, and Xu Chanhai, especially assigned to watch Falun Gong practitioners, tried to call Mr. Lu to their office but he could not walk, so the three prisoners carried him. Mr. Lu said to the guards, "They tortured me as if they were trying to kill me." Xu Changhai replied, "No one saw that." They placed Mr. Lu on a bed under the window so that no one could see how badly he was injured.

Mr. Lu was unable to take care of himself for over a month. He was forced to sit on small plastic stool as another form of torture while he recovered. He asked to see a doctor many times but was always ignored. The guards constantly denied the fact that he was brutally beaten. Although Mr. Lu was very healthy before he ended up in prison, starting in September 2005, he began to cough up blood and had difficulties breathing. He was never allowed to see a doctor and was never treated for his progressively weakening condition.

On December 9, 2007, Huazi Prison officials transferred him to Ganjingzi Prison located in Dalian City. He was still forced to do hard labor even though he was in such poor physical condition. He could not walk, so the guards had two prisoners carry him to the workplace. He went on a hunger strike for seven days to protest this brutal mistreatment. He coughed up blood and became extremely weak. A doctor diagnosed him with advanced tuberculosis. Huazi Prison officials transferred him to Tieling Prison. Another examination revealed a large hole in his lung, and the prison administrators were told twice by physicians that he could die at any time, but they still refused to release him.

Finally heeding his family's urgent requests, on March 10, 2008, Tieling Prison officials finally took Mr. Lu to the Tieling City Tuberculosis Hospital for treatment. He had water in his lung, and his heart did not function properly. The doctors operated on him but announced he would not live long. The long term mental and physical tortures that Mr. Lu had endured damaged his health beyond recovery. Mr. Lu Renqing died on April 19, 2008.