(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, under the direction of Zhou Yongkang, secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and one of the main criminals in the persecution of Falun Gong, CCP overseas spies viciously attacked Falun Gong practitioners. They brought to a free country the tactics used in the Cultural Revolution. These communist adherents' methods included besieging, assaulting, and threatening the Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP even used the overseas media it controls to publish fabricated news that incites hatred. Falun Gong practitioners strongly condemn the CCP's violent acts that further violate human rights.
After the Sichuan Earthquake, the CCP Persists in Creating Man-made Disasters
On the afternoon of Saturday, May 17, the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP held a rally to support the 36 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. The event was held outside the Flushing, New York Library. CCP spies instigated a confrontation and violent attack on a 70 year-old retired Chinese engineer. Some hoodlums even called for more people to join the attack. They were heard saying on their cellphones, "Get more people to come. Each will be paid ninety dollars."
The violent attacks were believed to be ordered by Zhou Yongkang, secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee of the CCP, and have continued for four days. Besides Flushing, similar incidents also took place in other areas, including California and Philadelphia, as well as in Hong Kong and Japan. The CCP overseas spies attacked volunteers of the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP and disturbed their peaceful activities. They also previously had tried to disrupt the Global Human Rights Torch Relay events.
The CCP Incites Hatred and Exports Crises
On May 20, the CCP's media, including the Xinhua News Agency and Chinese Central TV (CCTV), described the CCP spies' violent attacks on volunteers at the Flushing Service Center for Quitting the CCP as "New York Chinese Collect Donations for Sichuan Earthquake Victims as Falun Gong Interferes." They misrepresented the truth to people inside and outside of China. They blatantly lied and tried to incite hatred among Chinese people who do not know the truth. In their reports, the slogan "Heaven Will Destroy the CCP" from the Service Center for Quitting the CCP was described as "Heaven Will Destroy China."
Alas, scenes in CCTV's video clearly exposed their lies. The banners, such as "Quit the CCP for a Safe
Future" could clearly be seen. This is proof that the day's event was a quit the CCP rally, rather than an effort to collect donations for the earthquake victims as publicized by the CCP reports.
In China more and more people have been angered by the CCP minions regarding the deadly earthquake, for not broadcasting predictions of the imminent earthquake, and for corrupt local government officials' jerry-rigging projects which led to the collapse of houses and school buildings and the deaths of tens of thousands of people. Zhou Yongkang was previously an officer in Sichuan. In order to escape public criticism, Zhou and his gang are eager to export the crisis and continue to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in foreign countries.
More People Awaken--The Number of People Quitting the CCP Suddenly Increases After the Earthquake
Since May, the daily number of people who quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations has been increasing. During the week after the earthquake, the number increased even more. Immediately after the quake there were six days when the daily numbers reached 60,000. On May 19 alone, more than 66,000 people quit the CCP. That day represented the highest number of people quitting the CCP over the past three months. The second highest was on May 20, when the number was over 65,800.
What this is telling us is that more and more Chinese people have seen through the tactics of the CCP and lost hope that they care about the people. More and more people have awakened and are seeing the truth behind the CCP deceptions. All the lies and violence can no longer hide the truth, and the CCP is doomed. It is just a matter of time when the CCP faces its inevitable fate.
Category: Perspective