(Clearwisdom.net) The earthquake in Sichuan Province is an alert that the old forces are preparing to eradicate sentient beings on a large scale. The time is almost up, and the old forces are competing with us for the lives of sentient beings. For Dafa practitioners, clarifying the truth, helping people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, and saving sentient beings are urgent.
Whenever I meet someone I ask, "Are you afraid of the earthquake?" Usually people answer, "Yes, I'm afraid." Then, I sincerely tell them, "Recite with sincerity 'Falun Dafa is good,' 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.' If you do this, divine beings will protect you and your family." If a person doesn't believe me and says, "Fear is useless. I'll let my fate lead me," I say to them firmly, "No, you can do something about your fate. It depends on what choice you make. Besides, don't you hope that your parents, children and relatives will stay safe? Don't just keep the words to yourself. Share them with your family and relatives, and ask them to recite it, also." Upon hearing what I say, the person's awakened side usually believes me.
Work Harder on Clarifying the Truth and Saving Sentient Beings
By a practitioner in Changchun
Recently, when I was talking with people about quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations, I noticed that many people had already quit. Even for those who haven't quit or who still do not know the truth, I find it very easy to talk with them. They are very receptive of Falun Dafa and the truth. They often praise Dafa practitioners for having a high moral standard and being different from ordinary people.
The CCP lies and slanderous propaganda against Falun Gong are easily exposed. Seeing that so many people are awakened and saved, I think that it would be great if all of our practitioners would come out to clarify the truth to save more people.
Saving People Requires Patience
There was an article on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net) that told about a practitioner who tried to persuade a person to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, but no matter what she said, that person just refused to quit. The practitioner was not frustrated or angry. Instead, she said with a smile, "The next time you meet someone who suggests that you quit the CCP, please take his or her advice." I really respect this practitioner.
Yesterday I met an old friend and classmate. He was born into an intellectual family and experienced first hand the CCP persecution during the Cultural Revolution when he was relocated to the countryside for "re-education through labor." Two years ago when one of his relatives (a practitioner) suggested that he quit the CCP, he replied that Falun Gong was involved in politics and refused to quit. He visited me yesterday, and I told him about the suffering I endured in the forced labor camp. His eyes were wet and he understood the truth. I asked him, "Have you quit CCP?" He answered, "Not yet." I said, "Then I can help you to quit right now." He said, "Ok, I'll do it!"
Some Chinese people in China are deeply poisoned by the CCP's brainwashing and are afraid of the CCP after years of persecution. So sometimes it's hard to convince them to quit the CCP, and we have to work with them more. If the person has a predestined relationship, Master will arrange another chance for him or her to hear the truth from us, and eventually they will quit the CCP.
May 23, 2008
Category: Perspective