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Calling For the Release of My Wife, Wang Sanying

July 11, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) My wife, Wang Sanying, is a faculty member of Youfu Hospital in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. On June 3, 2008, officers from the local police station and the National Security Bureau ransacked our home. They illegally arrested my wife and detained her in the Second Detention Center of Shijiazhuang because she practices Falun Gong.

My wife started practicing Falun Gong because she wanted to keep fit and improve her moral standard. In the past, she didn't have good health and often felt dizzy. She also suffered from arthritis and gynecological diseases. After she took up the practice, all her diseases disappeared. Because the principles of Falun Gong are based on "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance," I have never interfered with her practicing. Under the teaching of Falun Gong, her moral character drastically improved. Before she became a practitioner, she had a very hot temper and easily got into confrontations with others. Now her tolerance has greatly improved.

I am a graduate in the legal profession. The Constitution protects our freedom of religious belief. In Article 36, it says that all Chinese citizens have the freedom to spread their religious beliefs. The right of all religious believers (part-time or professional) to disseminate their religious beliefs does not have to be "granted" by the government, unless they violate the provisions of the law.

Over the years, Falun Gong practitioners have continued to be arrested, detained, and sentenced. Some practitioners die shortly after they are brought home by their families from forced labor camps or prisons. Practitioners are persecuted just because they say, "Falun Dafa is good," or they do not think in line with the Chinese Communist Party or they will not give up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance," or they refuse to be "transformed."

Falun Gong practitioners have adopted the most peaceful ways to let people know that Falun Gong is good and that the persecution should be ended. Their petition doesn't go against common sense or break the law. When they are being treated unfairly, they have the right to speak up, as this is a basic right of all citizens. When practitioners speak up, it doesn't mean they commit a crime, go against the government, or are using "an illegal organization" to undermine the law.

My wife is innocent. In fact, the conviction of Falun Gong practitioners based on Criminal Law 300 in itself violates the Constitution, Article 36.

I have been laid off for a long time, and my wife's salary is our family's main source of income. At present, her grandfather is hospitalized and needs someone to take care of him. Our son just entered college, and he also needs money. I hope that my wife will be released soon. Everyone in the family is waiting for her to come home.

Signed, Zhao Xuelu, the husband of Wang Sanying

Organizations and individuals responsible for the persecution of Ms. Wang Sanying:

Battalion commander Fan Zhimou, the Xinhua Branch National Security of the Shijiazhuang City Public Security Bureau: 86-13832111518 (Cell)
Unit in charge of the case: Gexin Street Police Station in Shijiazhuang City
Officers that participated in the arrest: Wang Chonggang, Zhai Zhongqi;
Residence Committee members: Wang Jun, Bo Hongjun

Ms. Wang is now being detained in the Second Detention Center
The Second Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City: 86-311-87782024,
Xinhua District Branch Public Security Bureau in Shijiazhuang City
Police Commissioner Jin Zaicheng: 86-13603113108 (Cell)
Deputy Police Commissioner in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong
Political and Security Commander Fan Zhimou (who has been very active in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners): 86-13832111518 (Cell), 86-311-85188083 (Office)
Deputy Commander Xu Yunfei (new): 86-311-85188084
Discipline Committee Member Wang Maosheng (new; he used to take the lead in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners when he was in the Dongjiao Police Station in Xinhua District)

The Second Detention Center in Shijiazhuang City: 13781581859 (Cell)
Director Liu Xiao (new), Wang Shiting (he was relocated): 86-311-87755213, 86-13931171888 (Cell), 86-13781581859 (Cell)
Deputy Director, Wang Zhibin: 86-311-87755202 (Office)
Instructor Zhang Hongqi: 86-311-87755202 (Office)
Xinhua District Court in Shijiazhuang City:
President Guo Xiao: 86-13315995605 (Cell)
Xinhua District Procuratorate:

Lee, the prosecutor, was in charge of the case: 86-311-87874164 ext. 9013