(Clearwisdom.net) On July 25-27, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioners in Belgium introduced Falun Dafa at the multicultural festival "Sfinks" for the second time. The festival continued for three consecutive days, and so did the Falun Dafa activity. This year there were about 30,000 visitors to the festival, among which 4,000 were children. There were 2,000 more visitors than the previous year. The Falun Dafa booth was a big success.
At the booth, people received information about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. On the first two days, practitioners collected many signatures for the 2008 "Millions of Signatures Global Campaign." Many people were shocked that such a terrible persecution is going on in China, and many supported us by signing the petition. People were pleased to receive paper lotus flowers of peace. Practitioners distributed balloons to the children, and introduced the principles of Falun Gong to them as well, by telling them they should always speak the truth, be kind to other children and be tolerant. At the same time, other practitioners demonstrated the exercises. This attracted many people. The visitors were interested in learning more about Falun Dafa, and some people even actively wanted to learn the exercises right away.
People at the Falun Gong booth receive information about the practice and the persecution
A group of children learn some of the exercises
Peoples' Comments and Feedback
Many people expressed an interest in learning Falun Dafa. Some people even wanted to buy the book "Falun Gong" immediately. A man about 50 years old bought the book "Falun Gong." He had already practiced the exercises at home, and he knew about Falun Gong through information he found on the Internet.
A girl about 25 years old also wanted to buy a book, as she was strongly attracted to Falun Dafa. When practitioners told her that she also could download it from the website for free, she said she was going to do that.
One woman who was with her friends and visited the booth, received information about Falun Gong and the persecution, and was very shocked by the persecution. She said she was going to tell to as many people as possible about the persecution. She told the practitioner that she was very angry about it and that such things are not allowed to exist, and these things should not happen to such peaceful people as Falun Dafa practitioners. A woman who was with her believed that people who did such evil things (as killing practitioners of Falun Gong), will be punished. She had a very strong belief that justice would prevail.
One practitioner talked with many different people who were interested in practicing Falun Gong. Some had searched for a long period of time to find a meditation practice, and they liked the fact that they could practice Falun Dafa for free. These people were thankful to the practitioner for the information. They said they had learned a lot from the conversation.
A man about 50 years old from Canada, who had traveled around the world, came to the booth. He had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong and was very concerned about it. He showed much interest and wanted to know about the persecution in detail, so the practitioner gave him as much information as she could.
An older woman from Aarschot, who was with a group of people who learned the exercises at the booth, had great interest in Falun Dafa and she took a copy of each of the various materials. A practitioner talked with her for about half an hour. She was pleased to get contact information for a group practice site.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events