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Mr. Shi Min Imprisoned Again, His Family in Pieces

Aug. 6, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) At around 4:00 p.m. on June 12, 2008, the 610 Office head in Langfang District, Bazhou City in Hebei Province, along with other police officers, were led by local county and village administrators to Mr. Shi Min's home in Chaheji Township, Bazhou City. They forced their way into the farmer's home and arrested him. Mr. Shi is now being detained at the Langfang District Detention Center, also called "Langfang District Law Education Center." It is in reality a brainwashing center.

Mr. Shi Min is fifty-five years old. Mr. Shi and his wife Ms. Wang Dexuan began practicing Falun Gong in the second half of 1997. Before Ms. Wang Dexuan started practicing, she had many illnesses. She suffered from headaches, lower back pain, leg pain and high blood pressure, along with other aliments. All of her illnesses disappeared after she began practicing Falun Gong. She and her husband are both very grateful toward Dafa and Master. However, they had only practiced for two years before the persecution against Falun Gong began.

Mr. Shi decided to go to Beijing to appeal for Dafa on December 15, 2000. Right after he cried out, "Falun Dafa is good!" in Tiananmen Square, he was arrested and detained at Beijing Detention Center. Later that day he was picked up by Chen Liancheng, captain of the Bazhou City Police Department, and taken back to the Bazhou City Detention Center. That night at around midnight, Chaheji Township Politics and Law Committee Secretary Zhang Baoming, police station chief Liu Liming, village administrator Xu Desheng, Public Security Director Sun Bo and several police officers broke into Mr. Shi Min's home. Zhang Baoming asked Ms. Wang Dexuan, "Do you practice Falun Gong?" She answered, "Yes, and because I do, I fully recovered from my lower back pain and leg pain." Zhang Baoming said, "Don't talk about this, as long as you admit to being a practitioner, you have to come with us." She was then taken to the police station.

During their detention, Mr. Shi Min and Ms. Wang Dexuan were abused both physically and mentally. After fifty days in the detention center, they returned home on February 1, 2001. They were also made to pay three thousand yuan. This was a great financial burden on the poor farmers. Due to the long-term harassment by Chinese Communist Party personnel, Ms. Wang Dexuan suffered a mental collapse and died in July 2006. She was only 48 years old.