Today’s Articles
Sept. 11, 2008
About Dafa
- Over-70-Year-Old Practitioner Dies as a Result of Relentless Persecution
- Businessman Chen Xibu Dies as a Result of Persecution
- Witnessing the Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners, a Non-practitioner Asks "Where Is the Justice in China?"
- Ms. Wu Suqiong and Her Fifteen-year-old Daughter Arrested, Beaten and Forced to Undergo Brainwashing
- The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Delong
- Ms. Wang Haiqing Arrested and Brutally Tortured Mentally and Physically
- Ms. Li Fengzhen of Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Loses Her Memory As a Result of Persecution (Photo)
- CCP Officials in Baishan City Harass Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Name of "Protecting the Olympic Games"
- 57 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- Taiwan: The Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Moves Teachers and Students (Photo)
- Swedish Falun Gong Practitioners Host Truth-Clarification Activities at the Vasa Museum (Photos)
- Canada: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Parade in London, Ontario (Photos)
- New York: Introducing Falun Dafa at the Bayville Waterside Festival (Photo)
- Russia: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Moscow City Fair (Photos)
- Denmark: Falun Gong Activities at the Cultural Festival in Aarhus (Photo)
- Malaysia: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Celebration of National Day (Photo)
- Looking at an Old Photo and Recalling Master's Lectures in Wuhan City
- Miraculous Recoveries
- Children Also Practice Falun Gong and Clarify the Truth about the Persecution
- Why Am I Always a Prisoner of Human Attachments?
- Clearwisdom Provides a Group Cultivation Environment
- Doing the Three Things Well Is Fundamental
- "Accommodations" for the Olympics Expose the CCP for What It Is and Save Sentient Beings
- Firmly Following Teacher and Cultivating
- Clearwisdom Review (Volume 3, Issue 33, September 2008)