(Clearwisdom.net) The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) published a report on December 12, 2009, discussing the details of a revealing 30-minute conversation with a witness to organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners (see http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2009/12/14/113122.html).
The witness said, "A female Falun Gong practitioner in her thirties, a middle school teacher, had wounds and scars covering her entire body after one week of severe torture and forced feeding. On April 9, 2002, an officer from the Liaoning Province Police Department sent two surgeons: a military surgeon from the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region of People's Liberation Army, and a military surgeon from the Second Military Medical University. They transferred this practitioner to another place. While this female practitioner was fully conscious, without using any anesthetics, they harvested her heart, kidneys and other organs."
Her chest had already been cut open when she cried loudly once. Then she shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!" She said "You have killed one individual like me. Can you kill hundreds of millions of us, people that are being persecuted by you for our true beliefs?"
The witness was an armed police guard who watched the entire process of the live organ harvesting. He is the first witness to testify on the live organ harvesting as a participant. He talked about the debauchery of some of the participants, "Many of our policemen were perverted. They molested her. She was good looking, relatively beautiful, so the policemen raped her."
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party stated in the section "Different Killing Patterns," that "Another pattern of killing is to crush one's spirit before killing the human body. In China's history, even the the most cruel and ferocious Qin Dynasty (221 - 207 BC) did not destroy people's spirits. The CCP has never given people the chance to die as martyrs. They promulgated policies such as 'Leniency to those who confess and severe punishment to those who resist,' and 'Lowering one's head to admit the crime is the only way out.' The CCP forces people to give up their own thoughts and beliefs, making them die like dogs without dignity, because a dignified death would encourage followers. Only when people die in humiliation and shame can the CCP achieve its purpose of 'educating' the people who admired the victim. The reason that the CCP persecutes Falun Gong with extreme cruelty and violence is that Falun Gong practitioners consider their beliefs more important than their lives. When the CCP is unable to destroy their dignity, it does everything it can to torture their physical bodies."
This female teacher was cruelly tortured, molested, insulted--even the armed police on guard could not bring himself to speak about it anymore. The CCP killers were trying to destroy her spirit before ending her life. But they failed. She shouted "Falun Dafa is great" right before she was murdered.
Yes, she was molested and raped, which is the greatest insult to a woman, but she did not give up her faith. The CCP tried to make her die without any dignity, but they failed. She died when her heart was harvested, while her noble dignity was shown to all the criminals who raped her; their vile spirits could never be worthy to be compared with her sacred nobility!
She is a holy saint. For the sake of her belief, she sacrificed her body and organs, and she surpassed worldly fame. Her purity is beyond the imagination of those who destroyed her worldly image. The CCP tried to crush her spirit failed. On the contrary, her spiritual enlightenment resulted in the CCP's followers losing confidence. When the military doctor cut her open, her statement, "Falun Dafa is great" and her question made the surgeon hesitate.
What is dignity? What is shamelessness? The shamelessness of the CCP has helped establish the most noble dignity of Falun Dafa cultivators. Under Falun Gong's mercy and might, is there any reason the evil CCP should exist any longer?
The truth of the human world is that when the benevolent Buddha Law spreads around the world, all the lowly wretches will be discarded by the cosmos. The Buddha Law cultivators are practicing this universal law with their lives. Their mighty dignity will be eternal!
Category: Perspective