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Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Qi Shuangyun from Jiamusi City Illegally Sentenced to a Six-year Prison Term

Feb. 20, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) In September 2008, the police arrested six practitioners in Huachuan County, Jiamusi City, including Mr. Qi Shuangyuan. Because of the persecution Mr. Qi developed a tic. On November 21, Hongxinglong Court illegally sentenced seven practitioners. Mr. Qi was sentenced to a six-year term. It was said that the court announced if an attorney entered a not-guilty plea for Mr. Qi, his sentence would have been even longer.

At around 7:00 p.m. on September 4, 2008, when Mr. Qi and his wife were downstairs in their own home, officers arrived from Chengnan Police Station. The officers included Shen Yanmin, and Zhang Guohui. They deceived Mr. Qi into going to the Chengnan Police Station with them, saying they wanted to have a talk. At about 10:30 p.m. Mr. Qi was taken to Jiangchuan Farm Police Station. Huachuan County Police Department deputy head Li Mingchen had plotted the arrest, aided by police station head Yu Hui, along with Shen Yanmin and Zhang Guohui, as well as persons from the Jiangchuan Farm Police Station. They took Mr. Qi to the Nongken Detention Center in Hongxinglong on September 5, 2008. They arrested him for distributing truth clarification information with others at Jiangchuan Farm at 11:00 a.m. on July 19, 2008. Someone reported them to the police, and six practitioners were arrested, including Cai Guifang, Cai Guirong, Cai Guiqin, Liu Jingyan, Wu Feng, and Yang Li. Cai Guifang, Cai Guirong, Cai Guiqin and Yang Li were renting Qi Shuangyuan's van.

Mr. Qi was put in handcuffs and shackles at the Nognken Detention Center, which led to him having a tic. A brief hospital examination showed that he had had a stroke, but detention center officials didn't notify his family. After this, Mr. Qi's family went to police department officials many times, asking for his release. Mr. Qi's wife showed deputy head Xu Lianbin her husband's previous medical records that showed a brain hemorrhage, but he told her to get out and threatened her, saying it would not be the first time someone had died in the detention center.

In late October, Mr. Qi's family tried other means and was able to see him. Mr. Qi's eyes appeared dull and moved slowly. He was in handcuffs and shackles. Mr. Qi told his family that he had experienced tremors three times in the past several days. Detention center officials had told him to take some pills and did nothing else, and did not notify his family. Mr. Qi's family members were very angry, since his illness was due to abuse as a result of persecution. Necessary medical treatment was not sought, nor were family members notified. The family contacted many related government officials but received no responses.

On November 21, Hongxinglong Court sentenced several practitioners, including Qi Shuangyuan, Cai Guifang, Cai Guiqin, Cai Guirong, Yang Li. Wu Feng, and Liu Jingyan. More than 100 of these practitioners' family members attended. Mr. Qi's wife hired human rights lawyer Zhang Jianguo from Beijing to enter a not-guilty plea on behalf of her husband.

Prosecutor Wei Ping charged these seven practitioners with breaking the law. All of them denied the charges since that law refers to cults, which Falun Gong is not. They also said, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." When they wanted to further tell how they benefited from Falun Gong, head judge Liu Dan stopped them. Liu Dan also ordered practitioners' family members to compel practitioners to admit their "guilt."

In this process, one family member asked why, since many of the prerequisites described in the law did not apply to Falun Gong, these practitioners were still charged. She was driven out of the court.

On December 1 and December 3, Mr. Qi's family went to the Hongxinglong Political and Judicial Bureau as well as to the 610 Office, asking for his release.

On December 4, as stated above, Hongxinglong Court sentenced Mr. Qi to a six-year prison term. His daughter said she would continue to appeal. The appeal has been submitted to the court.