Today’s Articles
April 10, 2009
About Dafa
- Vancouverites Continue to Express Their Appreciation for Shen Yun Performing Arts: "Exquisite! This Transcends Just Chinese Culture" (Photos)
- Brisbane Audience Embraces the Sheer Beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts: "It's Just Magnificent!" (Photos)
- Adelaide: Audience Awed by Shen Yun Performance (Photos)
- Vancouver: Shen Yun "can only be done through being truly connected to a higher power" (Photos)
- Distinguished Guests in Vancouver Highly Recommend "This Beautiful, Beautiful Show!" (Photos)
- Brisbane, Australia: Audience Gives Shen Yun a Warm Welcome to Northern Tropical Environs (Photos)
- Vancouver: Audience Members Enjoy Shen Yun: "Amazing! It's All Absolutely Beautiful!" (Photos)
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Shen Yun Plays to an Enthusiastic Audience (Photos)
- 13 Practitioners on Hunger Strike at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center (Photos)
- Dafa Practitioner Lei Xiaoting in Critical Condition
- Mr. Pan Xujun in Critical Condition at Hongze Lake Prison in Jiangsu Province
- Exposing the Severe Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Women's Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province
- Mr. Ma Guobao from Jilin Province and Mr. Pan Mingfang from Guangxi Province Die as a Result of Persecution
- 37 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- International Society for Human Rights Invites Falun Gong Practitioner to Speak at Annual Conference (Photo)
- Kobe, Japan: Rally Held to Support Chinese People Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (Photo)
- What I Understand from the Participation in Politics by Chinese People Outside China
- A Reminder about the Seriousness of Cultivation
- My Experience Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
- The Actions and Words of My Fellow Practitioners Are a Mirror for Me
- A Man Who Encounters a Falun Gong Practitioner Escapes Death
- Principal of Chongqing City Secondary School and Others Who Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Received Karmic Retribution
- 105 Awakened Non-Practitioners' Solemn Statements
- Falun Dafa Saved My Father