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Falun Dafa Is Truly Saving People

April 12, 2009


Ms. Xu Shuzhen Given New Hope for Her Future

My name is Xu Shuzhen, and I am 67 years old now. I had three strokes in three years that were worse each time. By 2009, I had paraplegia and had lost control of one arm. Many people in my family are Chinese medicine experts, but they could not help me and told me the illness could soon take my life.

Then we moved to a new place where I met a Falun Gong practitioner who told me about Falun Gong. She also said, by sincerely reciting, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" a miracle would come. After reciting it sincerely for three days, miraculously I could get out of bed. I could open the door when someone came to visit, and do simple household chores. My five-year-old granddaughter said, "Grandma could not stretch her fingers straight in the past, and now she is able to do it."

I want to thank Falun Dafa and its founder for saving me from the brink of death. Now I see hope and have the courage for life. Falun Dafa is truly saving people.

Mr. Zheng Recovers from a Serious Heart Problem

Mr. Zheng lives in a village in Yanshan County, Hebei Province. One day in 2008, he had a heart attack and his life was threatened. Mr. Zheng was then hospitalized for nearly one month. His condition did not improve, but became worse and worse. His family was very worried. He also lost hope and told his family to prepare for the funeral.

One day one of Mr. Zheng's relatives, a Falun Gong practitioner, came to visit him. This practitioner clarified the truth to Mr. Zheng and his family. This practitioner also told them to sincerely recite, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and gave them truth-clarification card to carry with them. Several days later Mr. Zheng's illness improved, and a doctor recommended bypass surgery in a major hospital. This surgery costs about 100,000 yuan. Although expensive, Mr. Zheng's family did not want him to die, so his son took him to Cangzhou Central Hospital. After an examination the doctor said one part of the heart muscle had died and he could not do the bypass surgery.

After returning home, Mr. Zheng asked his family to look for Falun Gong practitioners. He started to listen to Falun Gong lecture tapes and began to practice. Within several days his health improved. With continual Fa-study and doing the exercises, his illness disappeared in a short time.

One year has passed, and Mr. Zheng has been healthy. Right now he is able to do farm work again; other residents in the village are also impressed by this.

March 29, 2009