Today’s Articles
May 2, 2009
About Dafa
- Montreal Falun Gong Practitioners Observe the 10th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal (Photo)
- Hamburg, Germany: Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal (Photos)
- Norwegian Practitioners Expose the Persecution in Front of the Chinese Embassy (Photo)
- Unexpected Reward at St. Louis Earth Day Festival ( Photos)
- Coordinated by a Common Faith
- Was the Appeal on April 25, 1999, the Cause of the Persecution?
- The April 25th Appeal---What Really Happened
- During the April 25th Appeal, the Police Directed Me to the West Gate of Zhongnanhai
- Former Intelligence Officer of China's Ministry of State Security Reveals the Inside Story of the Persecution of Falun Gong
- Practitioner Mr. Long Guande's Entire Family Issues a Solemn Declaration to the CCP
- Imprisoned Practitioner Chen Xiumei from Baoding on Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution
- Ms. Zhang a Senior Citizen, Arrested and Her Disabled Daughter Forced into Homelessness and Destitution
- Additional Persecution News from China - April 15, 2009 (28 Reports)
- Additional Persecution News from China - April 22, 2009 (39 Reports)
- 51 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- Interview: The Window Through Which One Recognizes and Understands the Mystery and Truth of Life (Photos)
- Cultivating Myself Well, Saving More Sentient Beings
- Complaining Harms Others and Oneself
- "Falun Gong Fliers Are Popular in Our Village"