(Clearwisdom.net) On July 10, practitioners in Gainesville held an event at the University of Florida campus to call attention to the ten-year anniversary of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. They demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and passed out flyers. The local newspaper sent a photographer to cover the event and a TV news crew came to do a follow-up on the news story they did for the April 25, 1999 anniversary of the peaceful appeal of 10,000 practitioners in Beijing.
A practitioner is interviewed by a local TV station
A practitioner demonstrates the exercises, while another distributes flyers
Three of the practitioners who participated in the event on July 10 also plan to join the international rallies in Washington DC on July 16-20. One is a graduate student who has experienced the persecution in China. She learned Falun Dafa with her mother before the persecution began when she was 12 years old. Her mother has been detained for refusing to give up Falun Dafa and she, too was pressured by the authorities. Cherishing the freedom she has to practice her beliefs and appeal in the US, she is excited and honored to be attending such a large-scale event calling for freedom for the practitioners in China.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events