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Sixty-Year-Old Ms. Teng Wenzhi from Dalian City Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Regime

July 23, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Teng Wenzhi from Dalian City, Liaoning was arrested by the Chinese Communist regime's police, and she was illegally sentenced to three years in prison. During the time Ms. Teng was held in prison, officers from the Pulandian City Police Station, along with 610 Office personnel, tried to locate and arrest her husband as well. During the long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist regime, Ms. Teng's husband's health deteriorated, and he passed away on December 24, 2007. The couple did not get to see each other before he died.

Ms. Teng is sixty years old and her home is in Taoyuan Residential area, Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province. At midday on April 26, 2002, with no official reason, officers from the Bolan Police Station, Pulandian City Police Station, and Jinzhou District Xianjin Street Police Station tried to arrest Ms. Teng and her husband. The couple was able to get away. The next day, police officer Zhao Kan and residential area committee directors Liu Qinglan and Xi Yumei forced Ms. Teng's neighbor to give them Ms. Teng's home key, which Ms. Teng asked the neighbor to keep for her. Without Ms. Teng and her husband there, they went into their home and searched thoroughly. They hid near the couple's home for over a month waiting to try and arrest them. In order to avoid being illegally arrested the elderly couple was forced to become homeless.

On the evening of July 3, 2007, Ms. Teng and her husband went to the Nanwang Village, Taiping Township, Pulandian City to hand out Falun Gong materials and flyers. They were reported, and the village Communist Party Committee head Zhou Xingyan, the security director, and the village head came to arrest them. Ms. Teng's husband was able to get away but Ms. Teng was captured by three officers, one of whom was Ma Hongyan, a policeman from Huaershan Police Station, and two other policemen. At the police station, Ms. Teng was forced into a so-called confession and photographed. Ms. Teng asked who the persecutors were and what their names were, but they refused to tell her.

Ms. Teng was held in the Pulandian City Detention Center that night and as Ms. Teng refused to give her name and refused to change shoes, officer Yang Changsheng at the detention center cursed her, beat her, and forcibly handcuffed her very tightly, to the point that her wrists bled.

Starting the next day, the communist personnel began interrogating Ms. Teng twice a week and then later once a week. The interrogators would not reveal their names during the interrogations. We only know one of the policeman's name- Zhang Liang. He is the district prosecutor and is extremely vicious.

On December 10, 2007, the Pulandian City Court secretly held a court session. Present was the judge (female, last name Wang), prosecutor Zhang Liang, court police, two jurors (the last name of one of them was Zhao), and two other people watching. The two people watching were said to be "representatives of the public." Ms. Teng asked them why her family wasn't notified of the trial. She was told that they were not obliged to do this. The court police took out two bags which contained the Nine Commentaries books and Falun Gong flyers, and said this was the evidence.

Ms. Teng said, "Freedom of belief and freedom of speech are specified by law. By passing out flyers I am merely using my rights that the law provides me. I did not do anything wrong. Instead, you all are committing crimes."

Prosecutor Zhang Liang slandered Falun Gong and requested the judge to sentence Ms. Teng harshly. Ms. Teng defended herself in court. She denounced the defamation of Falun Gong and the false claim that Falun Gong "impedes the justice of the law." Ms. Teng also pointed out that Falun Gong is spreading far and wide both in China and overseas. Ms. Teng warned them that the WOIPFG (World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong) will trace every person and organization that persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. She expressed hope that those persecuting her would choose a better future for themselves by not getting involved with the persecution of Falun Gong. They had no reactions and the judge announced a halt to the session.

On January 24, 2008, Pulandian City Court opened a second session for Ms. Teng's case. The court police took Ms. Teng to the court jail and locked her in a cell for an hour. They didn't begin a court session at all. Instead, the judge basically told the court police that Ms. Teng was sentenced to jail for three years.

On March 6, 2008, Pulandian City Detention Center director Zhou and Guan Xiujuan transferred Ms. Teng to the Liaoning Province Women's Jail, located in Shenyang City. Ms. Teng suffered poorly both physically and mentally from several months of inhuman torture. During the health check-up at the jail, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure (220), tachycardia, dizziness, Myocardial ischemia, and kidney stones. The jail therefore refused to keep her but the police still refused to let her go home and again put her back in the detention center. Ms. Teng resisted further persecution by holding a hunger strike. Ms. Teng was finally released on bail to receive medical treatment outside the jail.

Officials involved in this case of persecution:
Officer Zhao Kan from Xianjin Street Police Station, Jinzhou District
Residential committee directors Liu Qinglan and Xi Yumei of Xianjin Street Taoyuan residential area, Xianjin Street, Jinzhou District

Village committee of Nanwang Village, Pulandian City:
Village head Zhou Xingyan: 86-411-83496402 (Home)
Village Communist Party Committee director Liu Fujun: 86-411-83496411(Home), 86-13942073918 (Cell)
Hua'ershan Police Station, Pulandian City:
Director: Dong Tao 86-13332273800 (Cell)
Instructor: Mao Hongyan 86-13019498166 (Cell)
Pulandian City Detention Center:
Director (last name Zhou), Guan Xiujuan, and Yang Changsheng: 86-411-83148789, 86-411-83148520
Pulandian City "610 Office," Zhong Guanhua: 86-13079860009 (Cell), 86-411-83130610610 (Office)
Pulandian City Court: Judge (female, last name Wang): 86-411-8318755, 86-411-83187552
Pulandian City Procuratorate: Zhang Liang

Related Article: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2008/4/1/95982.html