(Clearwisdom.net) From July 18-20, 2009, practitioners in Greece held a series of activities to mark 10 years since the Chinese Communist regime started the persecution of Falun Gong.
On July 18, Greek practitioners went to Thissio, a popular tourist site in Athens, where they put up display boards exposing the persecution and distributed informational fliers. People read the displays and asked questions about Falun Gong, which the practitioners were glad to answer.
On July 19, practitioners accepted an invitation to introduce the practice to a group of people in Korinthos, a city almost one hour away from Athens. After they learned the facts of the persecution, they condemned the actions of the CCP and said to practitioners that they awee aware of the evil nature of the CCP. The organizer of the event said that he would be very happy if practitioners would come again.
Practitioners in front of the Chinese Embassy
On July 20, practitioners went to the Chinese Embassy in Athens to make a peaceful appeal. The police, who had already been informed about their arrival, were very friendly. The policemen were glad to accept practitioners' fliers and, unlike Chinese police, they allowed practitioners to peacefully protest. It was a very hot, sunny day, and the police even bought bottles of water for the practitioners! At the end, they offered to give practitioners a lift to the metro station!
Category: Parades & Other Community Events