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Peng Weisheng's Family Destroyed as a Result of Persecution: Wife and Son Lost Their Lives, Mr. Peng Suffers Mental Collapse in Illegal Detention

Aug. 12, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Peng Weisheng, a Falun Gong practitioner in Wuchang District, Wuhan City in Hubei Province, was held in Hewan Forced Labor Camp for over a year. When his family went to visit him in July 2009, the captain of the Instruction Team of Ward II said that Mr. Peng had a mental disorder and was to be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to suppress Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Peng's whole family has been persecuted and has been utterly destroyed by the persecution. His son, Pen Min, was beaten to death in prison because he remained steadfast in his cultivation in Falun Dafa. Mr. Peng's wife, Li Yingxiu, was murdered by Cheng Qingwu of the Wuchang District Police Department, a branch of the Wuhan City Police Department.

Mr. Peng's family members have tried to see him, as it had been over a year since they saw him last. The forced labor camp has refused to let them visit him. The family members said that the camp had no authority to decide where he was to be taken, and even though he had a mental disorder, they still needed to see him to decide whether or not he should be taken to the hospital. Not only that, they stated that Mr. Peng was healthy when he was sent to the Hewan Forced Labor Camp a year ago. They said that he became mentally unstable only after a year of detention, and the camp should be held responsible.

Mr. Peng and his son, Peng Liang, were illegally arrested on May 28, 2008 by the Wuhan City police, under the pretext of "security for the Olympics." Their home was also ransacked when they were arrested. After Mr. Peng and his son were interrogated and tortured, they were sentenced to a year and a half, and a year, respectively, of forced labor. Mr. Peng was held in Ward II of Hewan Forced Labor Camp in Wuhan City.

Mr. Peng's other son, Peng Min, was held in Qingling Jail in Wuchang District. The police said that he inflicted injury on himself, but other inmates knew this wasn't true. They were afraid, however, to testify that his injury was a result of police beatings. Later, eyewitnesses corroborated the fact that the police beat Peng Min on January 9, 2001. The beating fractured his fifth vertebrae, broke his neck, and left him completely paralyzed. He died on April 6, 2001. His mother, Li Yingxiu, died on April 29, 2001 at the same hospital. Mr. Peng found multiple cuts on her face and blood in her mouth. The police told him that she died because she spoke too much after her son's death.

In July 2001, after both his brother and mother were tortured to death by the police, Mr. Peng Liang authorized Falun Gong practitioners in the United States to file a lawsuit against Zhao Zhifei, the former director of the Police Bureau of Hubei Province. The lawsuit claimed that he had committed the crimes of murder, torture, and illegally detaining practitioners, and had committed inhuman acts against the practitioners under his jurisdiction in Hubei Province. Zhao was also charged with crimes against humanity and the violation of other international human rights laws. Zhao was served with a summons in New York City. On December 21, 2001, Judge Denise Cote found Zhao guilty in absentia (defendant not present in court) in the fifty million dollar civil case against him.

Lei Changwe, Captain of Ward II, Hewan Forced Labor Camp
Da Banglei, Captain of Instruction Team
Su Zhenjiang, Instruction Team clerk
Han Zheng, clerk responsible for Falun Gong persecution

Related articles:

http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2009/5/29/107805.html, and http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2008/8/9/99660.html