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To Overseas Fellow Practitioners Who Make Phone Calls to China

Aug. 16, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I read the article, "Seven Years of Cultivation Experience Making Phone Calls" on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). One paragraph stated that once, after a fellow practitioner had made 60 phone calls, only one person decided to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I want to tell fellow practitioners, "Fellow practitioners, you've been working hard! Thank you!"

Even though the people who picked up the phone might not have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party at that point, you laid the foundation for them to be saved. For example, a practitioner in China was persecuted again and again. Because of that, a relative of his did not understand him. His relative would not listen when he tried to clarify the truth. Later, he uploaded his relative's phone number to the website so overseas practitioners could access it. Soon after, his relative received a phone call from a practitioner overseas. After learning how widespread Falun Dafa was in the world, his relative voluntarily searched out the practitioner and he helped his relative to withdraw from the CCP with no problem.

Those people who have received a phone call from practitioners overseas can almost all easily accept the truth when they later come into contact with practitioners in China.

Thank you again, practitioners overseas. Let's summon up our strength and save more people!