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Broadening Our Hearts to Save More Sentient Beings

Sept. 22, 2009 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading the article "My Understanding on the Issue of Ending the Persecution" from the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I felt the same way. Rationally we all want to end the persecution as soon as possible, but many sentient beings from high levels have not been saved, and many practitioners have not yet stepped forward to finish their historic missions. It will be too late when history arrives at the stage of final judgment of the all the lives in the universe.

Master shows compassion to all sentient beings and all Falun Dafa practitioners. He gives us the most valuable chances again and again by delaying the end of the Fa rectification. It's because our Xinxing level has not yet reached the requirement! The goal of saving all sentient beings possible has not been reached. Many sentient beings who have predestined relationships to complete consummation have not been saved.

The delay is caused by the human attachments we have not eliminated. These attachments hinder the Fa rectification at various levels. This article gives some examples. For example, this includes the attachments of fear and anxiousness, and longing for the end of the persecution, especially if we hold a resentful mindset toward the persecution with human emotions at the same time. We also have the attachments of relying on others, relying on gods, the democratic movement, and government leaders. We also have the attachment of complaining. We limit "doing well on the three things" to be "saving those who we feel can be saved" and we have not broadened our hearts.

With the exception of the evil head, Master said,

"Calmly think things over, and broaden your mind a little. If you can really regard everyone as a sentient being that we want to save, and then you try to save them, see if things change." ("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference")

In "Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference," Master said,

"The greatest manifestation of Shan is compassion, and it is an expression of tremendous energy. It can disintegrate all that is not right."

Compassion is a requirement for Falun Dafa practitioners. It is very powerful, and it's the first priority. Dafa practitioners during the Fa rectification period need to look inward to eliminate the negative factors. Attachments like resentment hinder us from opening our hearts. As a result we don't have higher level compassion and wisdom. Master has told us that we need to open our hearts and continuously make breakthroughs on the path of saving beings.

How can we reach this great goal? Master said,

"Don't blindly go battling against their human sides. Your goal is not to defeat them, but to save them. Do things with compassion and a calm mind, and then see how it goes." ("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference")

For a long time we blindly battled against their human sides with some resentment. This hinders the effectiveness of saving sentient beings. We must break through the level of "saving those who we feel can be saved."

In "Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding," Master said,

"Based on how much you have done so far, the number is not enough. It's not that I want to keep some specific amount. Rather, we should save as many as possible, and at a minimum half should be able to remain; or ideally, it could be seventy or eighty percent. So that's why I have asked you to do your utmost to save them."

Regarding our mission of spreading Dafa throughout the world, Master continues,

"In this case it is all of mankind facing the question of whether each will, in the end, gain salvation. This huge stage before us today--the stage of mankind--was prepared for Dafa and its disciples. Whatever project or initiative it may be that you are involved in, or whatever it may be that you're doing to save sentient beings, you should all be steadfast about doing it, and finishing it, well." ("Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding")

My personal understanding is that Master, in recent lectures, requires us to improve our levels, break through our limitations, and dissolve resentment, and to let compassion arise to save as many sentient beings as possible. I hope fellow practitioners can study the Fa well. We can share our understandings and experiences to help us elevate, so that we can improve our effectiveness in saving people.

September 18, 2009