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Ms. He Yigui Dies as Result of the Persecution in Sichuan Province

Jan. 11, 2010

Name: He Yigui (何遗桂)
Gender: Female
Age: 67
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Retired Senior Engineer, Nuclear Industry Ministry Southwest Physics Institute in Chengdu City
Date of Death: January 7, 2010
Date of Most Recent Arrest: March 3, 2009
Most Recent Place of Detention: Chengdu City Detention Center (成都市看守所)
City: Chengdu
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Forced labor, brainwashing, home ransacked, interrogation, detention

(Clearwisdom.net) (By a correspondent from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province) Ms. He Yigui had high blood pressure since her thirties, and she developed more diseases as she got older. After she began cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996, all of her sicknesses were healed. She firmly believed in Falun Dafa and disciplined herself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. After she retired, Ms. He took care of her paralyzed mother and raised her two grandsons. When the persecution began, she told the provincial government on July 22, 1999 about the physical and spiritual benefits she experienced as a result of practicing Dafa. The police arrested her with many other practitioners and imprisoned them in the Wenjiang Stadium. In October and November 1999, He Yigui went to Beijing twice to appeal, and she was sentenced to one year of forced labor with parole.

In November 2004, Ms. He was clarifying the truth and was subsequently arrested and detained in a brainwashing center in Jinhua Town, Wuhou District, Chengdu City. Her employer posted bail for her release.

On March 3, 2009, Ms. He went to pick up her grandson at the Yulin Elementary School, and she kindly gave a few students some information about Falun Gong. Some of these students reported her to the police, and officers from the Yulin Police Station arrested her and detained her in the Chengdu City Detention Center. Only several days later, Ms. He suffered from high blood pressure and was rushed to the Qingyang District Community Hospital. She was released on medical parole two weeks later. Her family picked her up and found that she was shivering, one of her legs was disabled, and she could not walk.

At the beginning of December 2009, the Wuhou District Court notified her family that they planned to put Ms. He on trial. Her family reported her health condition to the court, but a doctor's note from a provincial level hospital was required to be able to withdraw the trial date. They took her to get medical proof, but the Procuratorate said it was not good enough. So, her family had to hospitalize her. On the fifth day, due to too many complicated check ups and tests, her health was actually more damaged. Ms. He was then in critical condition and she died on January 7, 2010.

Fu Xiaolin, Chengdu City 610 Office Chair: 86-28-85531041/85558685
Yu Jiachuan, Wuhou District Court head Judge: 86-28-85056708
Liu Xiongchuan, Procurator: 86-28-85081850
Luo Na and Jiang Lin, Yulin Community Administrators: 86-28-85553994
Director Huang, Yulin Police Station: 86-28-85553503

January 9, 2009