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Eliminate Evil and Walk the Path of True Cultivation

Oct. 19, 2010 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Seeing a lot of fellow practitioners framed by the authorities, I was deeply pained. Below are some understandings of mine after sharing with others. Why were fellow practitioners framed? There are old force factors at work here. The old forces glare menacingly at every Dafa practitioner, waiting to pounce. They will take advantage of every thought and intention that is not in line with Dafa. Master does not recognize the old forces' persecution, and neither do we. But this isn't something we can just freely say, we have to fundamentally negate the evil arrangements. How do we do this? I would like to share the following understandings of mine.

  1. Thoughts Must Be Righteous

What does it mean to have righteous thoughts? In my understanding we must first believe in Teacher and believe in the Fa. This means that whatever Teacher says, disciples should do it, without argument. Teacher requires us to do the three things, so we must do completely as Teacher has said, without one shred of suspicion or misgiving, and without condition. It is not enough to be satisfied with doing one thing well, or two things well - this is not listening to Teacher's words. In Zhuan Falun Teacher put it this way:

"My roots are all deeply planted in the universe, and if someone could affect you, he could affect me, and to put it directly, he'd be able to affect the universe."

Teacher has said it clearly: Dafa disciples have Teacher looking after them, so who could possibly budge them! What does the evil count for? Dafa disciples are Teacher's disciples. Teacher is in control of the whole universe, and the universe is enormous beyond measure. Who could budge us?

Additionally, having righteous thoughts means taking oneself to be a Dafa disciple at every single moment, and putting oneself in the correct position. Every time we come across a demonic tribulation, if fellow practitioners are interfered with by the evil, asked to fill out a form, sign their name, are harassed in different ways, or are interfered with by illness demons, and so on, we first must understand that we are Dafa disciples, ensure every thought and intent is based on the Fa, and not be led along by the evil.

Teacher said:

"And when you are thinking things over, whether you use human notions or the righteous thoughts of a cultivator is going to determine the different results you get." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference").

I believe that some disciples are framed because they always consider themselves in the position of being persecuted. In their thoughts they always have a thought that the information materials they carry, and the actions they have taken in telling people the truth, are evidence that the evil could use to persecute them. But this thought is not upright. If we see the evil as too significant, we are actually seeing ourselves as lowly. Everyday people say that "evil cannot defeat the righteous," not to mention Dafa disciples, who are walking an upright and dignified path. We only need to ensure our intentions, hearts and bodies are upright, and the evil will be terrified. Whether we can take ourselves to be humans or gods is the key to whether we can walk our paths of Fa-rectification. The difference in one thought will bring about different results.

If we are to achieve righteous thoughts, we must study the Fa a lot. The practitioners who are good at clarifying the truth are those who are good at studying the Fa, and study it a lot. They use the Fa principles to guide their speech and actions, and are able to assimilate to the Fa through solid cultivation. The situation, as I understand it, is this: There are disciples who do not participate in group study, there are some small Fa-study groups who only study but do not share and compare their understandings, there are practitioners who are not able to study even a whole lecture a day, and there are practitioners who run into interference when they study the Fa. There are also practitioners who are attached to speed and volume, and although their mouths are speaking it, their thinking is not based on the Fa and they are not able to engage their minds, which makes them unable to understand the inner meanings. Fellow cultivators, Teacher has many times advised us to study the Fa more, study the Fa more. I think that in our study we should not only study Zhuan Falun, but also Teacher's articles, and we should be able to recite them from memory. I think memorizing the Fa is very important, and we should not be satisfied just having memorized several articles. We should persist with memorizing, and memorize all of Teacher's Fa. Our xinxing will assimilate in the process. When we are clear on the Fa's principles, our righteous thoughts will naturally become strong.

2. Truly Look Within

Dafa disciples all know that when we come across situations we should look within, repeatedly and thoroughly look within. Why is it that sometimes we have looked within and found some attachments, but the matter at hand has not changed for the better? There are some practitioners who are in the habit of looking outwards, looking at others' problems and becoming obsessed with them. I think this is a fundamental problem. Is looking within for personal gain or for fulfilling the requirements of the Fa? Regardless of whether it is matters among everyday people or matters that come up among practitioners, when problems occur we must first realize not to argue over who is right and wrong. We should unconditionally look within. This is the state that a cultivator should be in. Sometimes we only look within when problems occur. In fact, we should nurture a habit of looking within at all times and situations.