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Additional Persecution News from China - November 4, 2010 (27 Reports)

Nov. 18, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 23 cities or counties in 12 provinces. In this report, 17 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 28 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Zhixian Taken to Liaoning Women's Prison
  2. [Linshui County, Sichuan Province] 610 Office Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
  3. [Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province] Mr. Tang Jirong and Ms. Wang Jianying Illegally Tried
  4. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Zhenping Arrested on October 26
  5. [Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Gu Xiufang Imprisoned
  6. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Detained
  7. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Chuanlan Sentenced
  8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Guiju Taken Into Custody
  9. [Wuxue City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhang Yaohua and Mr. Hu Gangping Arrested and Sent to Detention Center
  10. [Tianjin City] Three Practitioners Arrested
  11. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
  12. [Guangshan County, Henan Province] Two Practitioners Sentenced
  13. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Ms. Chen Yuqin Arrested
  14. [Beijing] Ms. Li Yunying Still Detained
  15. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Lin Arrested
  16. [Inner Mongolia] Mr. Wu Changjun Suffers Persecution
  17. [Houma City, Shanxi Province] Mr. Lu Haixing Tried in Court
  18. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners Still Imprisoned
  19. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Tang Songfen Arrested at About 7:00 a.m. on November 3, 2010
  20. [Fengshun County, Guangdong Province] Ms. Huang Yanzhi Taken Into Custody
  21. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Officers Harass and Arrest Practitioners
  22. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wan Changqing Detained
  23. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Qu Weilan Arrested
  24. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Yajun Repeatedly Persecuted
  25. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Taken Into Custody
  26. [Xinzheng City, Henan Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
  27. [Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liu Chiwei Detained

1. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Zhixian Taken to Liaoning Women's Prison

An Anshan Court judge illegally sentenced Ms. Wang Zhixian to four years in prison. Without notifying her family, the police from Gangshan Police Station and the guards from the First Detention Center sent Ms. Wang to Liaoning Women's Prison in September 2010. When her family learned of this, they went to visit Ms. Wang at the prison, but were turned away. The next time Ms. Wang's family tried to visit her, the prison authorities told them that Ms. Wang had suffered a mental collapse. Her family has requested that she be immediately released, but their request has been denied.

2. [Linshui County, Sichuan Province] 610 Office Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

Many practitioners in Linshui County have been harassed and taken into custody by personnel from the local 610 Office since May 2010.

He Gui, a police officer from the Linshui County Public Security Bureau, harassed Mr. Dong Ming and slandered Falun Dafa at his store in May 2010.

The local police harassed Mr. Dong Dongsheng, from Yuanshi Town, at his home in May 2010.

Officers from the Chengbei Police Station went to Ms. Yuan Jizhen's home several times in October 2010 to harass her and try to force her to sign a statement renouncing Falun Dafa. Ms. Yuan, however, refused to comply.

Community personnel from Wuguibei, Dingping Town, went to Ms. Mei Qiongrong's home on October 18 and November 2, 2010 to harass her and see who was staying at her place.

Local authorities harassed Mr. Mei Lunxian on September 10, 2010. A month later, on October 12, 2010, the same people, along with police, took Mr. Mei to the Wusheng Brainwashing Center.

3. [Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province] Mr. Tang Jirong and Ms. Wang Jianying Illegally Tried

Officer Zhang Zhizhong from the Zhenxiong County Public Safety Bureau arrested Mr. Tang Jirong and Ms. Wang Jianying, from Zhenxiong County, on July 15. They are currently detained at the Zhenxiong County Detention Center. Their families haven't been allowed to visit them. It was learned that the two practitioners were tried on November 9.

4. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Zhenping Arrested on October 26

5. [Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Gu Xiufang Imprisoned

Ms. Gu Xiufang, 55, was distributing truth-clarification materials in front of a school in Ganzhou City on October 15, 2010, when police from Ganzhou arrested her and sent her to Ganzhou Detention Center. That evening, many police officers went to Ms. Gu's home, where they confiscated her personal belongings. She is still being tortured in the detention center.

Huang Ruijian, captain of the Domestic Security Division in Zhanggong District, Ganzhou: 86-13979737818, 886-797-303292

Li Hui, deputy director of Ganjiang Police Station: 86-13979799521

6. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Detained

Practitioners Ms. Sun Shuqin, Ms. Yang Xiufang, Mr. Dong Hongyu, and Ms. Dong Yuzhu were arrested because they told people the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong on October 15, 2010. Ms. Sun and Ms. Yang were taken to the Nangou Detention Center in Fushun, while Mr. Dong and Ms. Dong were taken to the Shagou Detention Center in Qingyuan.

Ms. Sun, Ms. Yang, and Mr. Dong were transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp on October 29, 2010. Ms. Sun and Ms. Yang will serve a two-year term, and Mr. Dong a one-year term. Ms. Dong has been released.

7. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Chuanlan Sentenced

After being tortured for four months in Yushu City Detention Center, Ms. Li Chuanlan was taken to a different place on October 29, 2010. After persistently inquiring as to her whereabouts, her family finally found out that she had been taken to a prison hospital for further persecution. Detention center officials, however, still refuse to tell the family which hospital Ms. Li is at.

Ten days before Ms. Li was transferred to the hospital, her family visited her at the detention center. She couldn't walk on her own and needed two people to support her.

Ms. Li's father is in his 80s and ill at home alone.

8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Guiju Taken Into Custody

The police from Yuanlu Police Station and Jiang'an Public Security Bureau arrested Ms. Xiong Guiju at home at about 9:00 a.m. on November 2, 2010. She is now being tortured at the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Center.

9. [Wuxue City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhang Yaohua and Mr. Hu Gangping Arrested and Sent to Detention Center

10. [Tianjin City] Three Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Tian Baili, Ms. Zhang Yanqiu, and Ms. Zhou Yuxin were telling people about Falun Dafa on the evening of October 21, 2010. As a result, they were taken to Haibin Police Station before being sent to the Dagang Public Security Bureau Detention Center.

Director of the Haibin Police Station: 86-22-25923643

Zhou Xuanping and Liu Hengqi, directors of the 610 Office in Dagang, Tianjin: 86-13802043848

Li Quanxin, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-22-63390890, 86-13920299105

Liu Wentao from the Tianjin City 610 Office: 86-13821250866

Li Kangzhi from the Tianjin City 610 Office: 86-13821651066

11. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Jiang Huiqin and another practitioner were taken into custody on the afternoon of November 3, 2010. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

12. [Guangshan County, Henan Province] Two Practitioners Sentenced

Ms. Liu Zezhi, 45, and Ms. Li Fang'e, 73, were clarifying the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in Duhuai Village, Wenshu Township, Guangshan on the morning of April 30, 2010. The police arrested them and detained them for 15 days. They were transferred to the Guangshan County Detention Center on May 17.

Officials at the Guangshan County Court held a secret trial on October 26, 2010, and sentenced both practitioners. Ms. Liu was sentenced to four years in prison and is currently detained in Guangshan County Detention Center. Ms. Li was sentenced to a three-year prison term with a five-year probation.

Both women had been persecuted prior to their illegal sentencing. Ms. Liu was detained in the Guangshan County Public Security Bureau, beginning on June 7, 2003, for six days because she refused to give up practicing Falun Gong. Bureau officers also sent her to Xinyang City Forced Labor camp on February 26, 2004, where she was tortured for a year. The Guangshan County Court judge sentenced Ms. Li to three years in prison with four years of probation in 2004, solely due to her beliefs.

13. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Ms. Chen Yuqin Arrested

On the morning of November 3, 2010, Ms. Chen Yuqin was arrested at her home.

Huashu Police Station: 86-439-5826110

14. [Beijing] Ms. Li Yunying Still Detained

Ms. Li Yunying was taken into custody in October 2010. She is still detained in the Haidian District Detention Center.

15. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Lin Arrested

Ms. Wang Lin has been harassed and arrested many times by personnel from the Chuanying District 610 Office in Jilin City. She has been detained in a detention center, a forced labor camp, and a brainwashing center, and tortured.

Officers from Beishan Police Station in Chuanying District arrested Ms. Wang at work on October 16, 2010, and forcibly dragged her to the car. She was sent to a brainwashing center in Sishe, Xiaoguang Village, Shahe Township.

16. [Inner Mongolia] Mr. Wu Changjun Suffers Persecution

Mr. Wu Changjun was previously a guard at Chifeng Prison. Mr. Wu was arrested in the spring of 2004 and detained in a forced labor camp for two years. He hasn't been able to find a job since his release because of the persecution.

17. [Houma City, Shanxi Province] Mr. Lu Haixing Tried in Court

Mr. Lu Haixing was secretly tried in court on October 28, 2010. His family wasn't notified of the trial.

18. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners Still Imprisoned

Heping District 610 Office agents arrested Ms. Li Guirong from Shenyang on October 17, 2006. She was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment and is currently detained in Liaoning Women's Prison.

Ms. Li, 68, was previously a principal at Hezuojie Elementary School in Dadong District. She was awarded as outstanding principal in the district.

Ms. Wu Shuyan is in her 40s. Officers from the Bangjiang Police Station in Dadong District arrested her when she was telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong in May 2006. She was sentenced to seven years and is also imprisoned in Liaoning Women's Prison.

19. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Tang Songfen Arrested at About 7:00 a.m. on November 3, 2010

Qiu Jianxiang, director of the 610 Office: 86-753-7862098, 86-753-7888338, 86-13750501338

Qiu Xinqiang, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-753-7871610, 86-753-7893133, 86-13750501368

20. [Fengshun County, Guangdong Province] Ms. Huang Yanzhi Taken Into Custody

Ms. Huang Yanzhi went to Jianqiao Town, Fengshun County, to clarify the facts of the persecution on October 29, 2010. Officers from the Jiaoqiao Police Station arrested her. She is now detained in the Meijiang Detention Center in Meizhou, Guangdong.

21. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Officers Harass and Arrest Practitioners

Officers from the Dehui City Domestic Security Division and Dafangshen Town Police Station went to Dongsanjiazi Village at around 2:00 p.m. on November 3, 2010. They first went to Mr. Shi Lijin's home, where they harassed him and confiscated his Falun Dafa books. They subsequently went to Mr. Qu Rongheng's home and confiscated his Falun Dafa books and other personal belongings. The police told the family that the two practitioners had to go to the police station to sign guarantee statements renouncing Falun Gong. The police then went to Mr. Ge Fujiang's home to arrest him and confiscate his belongings.

Wang Jian, director of Dashenfang Town Police Station: 86-15904414480

Officer Zhang Yedi: 86-15904414481; Officer Hou Chunguang: 86-15904414482; Officer Xu Guanghai: 86-15904414483

Dong Hua, deputy director of Dehui City Domestic Security Division: 86-431-87292053, 86-431-87228777, 86-13364638977

22. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wan Changqing Detained

Mr. Wan Changqing is a teacher from Rushan, Weihai. He was sent to a detention center because he talked to his students about the persecution of Falun Gong and gave them truth-clarifying materials. The local 610 Office has filed papers with the city requesting that he be sent to a forced labor camp.

23. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Qu Weilan Arrested

A dozen police officers broke into Ms. Qu Weilan's home in Xideng Village, Tushan Town, Laizhou City and arrested her at around 6:00 a.m. on October 31, 2010. Her family still doesn't know of her whereabouts.

24. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Yajun Repeatedly Persecuted

Ms. Li Yajun is from Pengnan Town, Pengxi County, Suining City. Officers from Pengnan Town Police Station have arrested her twice and tortured her in the Pengxi County Detention Center because she practices Falun Gong. Ou Yajie from the Pengxi Domestic Security Division, and officers from Pengnan Police Station arrested her and sent her to the County Detention Center in September 2009. Two weeks later, she was illegally sentenced to a year in a forced labor camp. She was transferred to Ziyang Forced Labor Camp and released in August 2010. Within less than a month after her release, she was arrested again, and tortured in the Suining City Brainwashing Center.

25. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Taken Into Custody

Officers from Yongling Police Station arrested Mr. Wen Lianju and other practitioners in Jiahe Village, Yongling Town, Xinbin County, Fushun City in November 2010.

Zhao Zhenduo, director of Yonglin Police Station: 86-413-5154919 (O), 86-413-5260966 (H), 86-13804235886

26. [Xinzheng City, Henan Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Officers from Xuedian Town Police Station in Xinzheng City arrested Ms. Jia Jinhui, Ms. Zhang Shuling, and Ms. Chen Xiaoni when they were distributing truth-clarifying materials. The police then sent them to Xinzheng City Detention Center. Later, the director of Chezhan Police Station and several other police officers broke into Ms. Jia's home and confiscated a computer and a DVD burner. When Ms. Jia's family went to the detention center to ask about her, an officer from the Xuedian Police Station arrested one of them named Xiaoying and locked her in the detention center as well.

27. [Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liu Chiwei Detained

Ms. Liu Chiwei was taken to Sanshui Brainwashing Center on October 14, 2010.