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The Media in Poland Focus on the Lawsuit against Jia Qinglin

Nov. 9, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Jia Qinglin, one of the active participants in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution of Falun Gong, was sued by Falun Gong practitioners from Poland during his visit to Warsaw. Many Polish mainstream media covered the story.

Gazeta Prawna and Portal Gospodarczy reported that Andrzej Czuma, a Polish Parliament Member, asked the Polish government to explain why Falun Gong practitioners, who held a protest against Jia, were driven away by the police.

WP.PL, a famous Polish website, published an article on November 4, indicating that Jia is a criminal. The article reported that Falun Gong practitioners protested Jia's visit in the Polish Parliament, pointing out that Jia needs to be held responsible for the eleven-year-long persecution of Falun Gong in China.

An article on WP.PL from November 3 reported that Falun Gong practitioners have filed a lawsuit against Jia in Warsaw for genocide and torture. The article reported that Falun Gong practitioners asked the government to deport Jia. Monika Lewandowska, spokeswoman for the Warsaw Procuratorate, confirmed that the lawsuit has been sent to Mokotowska Procuratorate and that an investigation will commence.

Wyborcza, the largest newspaper in Poland, published an article on the lawsuit on November 3. The article briefly reviewed some of the facts of the persecution and reported that Jia was being sued in Poland for genocide. The article also reported that Jia was sued by Falun Gong practitioners in Spain in 2007.

Interia.PL, a famous Polish website, also reported on the lawsuit on the first day of Jia's visit, November 2.