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Chicago Area Mayor Thoroughly Enjoys Shen Yun (Photos)

April 13, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Company staged its first of three shows at the Civic Opera House, in Chicago, Illinois on April 10, 2010.

Chicago Area Mayor thoroughly enjoys Shen Yun

The mayor of Morton Grove Village, Dan Staackmann, attended the Shen Yun show accompanied by his wife.

Mayor Staackmann said he thoroughly enjoyed the show, particularly "the use of the scarves and the colors," adding, "the effects were very good."

The mayor's wife likewise enjoyed the show, saying, "It was lovely, the costuming was incredible, the music and the stories were so interesting. And really I have never seen any traditional Chinese dance with the combination of acrobatics and traditional movements; it was really lovely."

Arts Professor praises story lines in Shen Yun

Also in the audience was Robert McCormick, a university professor who teaches Performance Studies and holds a Professor/Senior Lecturer position in several disciplines, including Communication Studies.

Having a background and natural interest in the performing arts, he was impressed with how well the backdrops were integrated with the stories. "I liked the story lines, and the video projections worked well," he said.

Regarding the two performances depicting the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in contemporary China, both Mr. McCormick and his friend who accompanied him said that they were previously aware of the persecution. "We know it exists, but it's interesting to see it dramatized."

Mr. McCormick concluded by saying that the piece Nothing Can Block the Divine Path, was "excellent."

"It was very interesting ... it's so athletic ... the tumbling. And there's also some martial arts and so many forms are melded into it, and certainly the costumes are exquisite," he exclaimed.

Performing artist: "Everything is just so beautiful!"

Carolyn Scott and her mother, Zona Bogan

Carolyn Scott, a performing artist with the Advancement of Creative Musicians in Chicago, gave her mother, Zona Bogan, a ticket to the Shen Yun show as a birthday present.

"We love the show. It is so rich with color and emotion and that is why we love it. I particularly liked the embroidery piece [Elegant Embroidery], the women were so graceful," said Ms. Scott.

"I also liked the beginning piece [The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age] when the divine beings came down from the heavens. I can see the culture of China through the garments and dance; everything is just so beautiful," she said.

Summing up her experience of the show, Ms. Scott said, "I love the culture of all countries so I'm learning a lot from this. This show is awesome!"

Her mother wholeheartedly agreed, saying, "Everything is just so beautiful! This is my first experience with such a show and I am enjoying it so very, very much!"

"I'm just amazed at the energy that's put into the dancing"

Attending the show with his wife Cheryl, John Hoban, a general contractor, excitedly said, "I'm just amazed at the energy that's put into the dancing!"

John Hoban and his wife, Cheryl, found that many aspects of the show made for an enjoyable evening.

"It's very colorful," added Cheryl. "It's very creative."

John thought that "the women are very elegant" and "the men are strong."

"Amazing, very strong and powerful. The women are just floating out there," he said.

"It's graceful," Cheryl added.

"Yes, very elegant; like acrobatics, almost," John replied.

Cheryl continued, "I love the costumes; the colors, the sparkle and the design of them. I think that's a big part of the show. It's just beautiful."

"They add to the entertainment," said John.

When asked if they would recommend the show to their friends, John said, "I'd recommend it for the culture," with his wife adding, "Definitely see it. It's beautiful!"

