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People in Mainland China Long to See This Year's Shen Yun Show

May 3, 2010


Engineer in China: Shen Yun Performing Arts Is Perfect

One of my college classmates, Ms. Lu, is an engineer at a foreign capital company in China. For the past two years, she has watched Shen Yun on DVD and thinks that the show is beautiful and profound. She has been longing to watch this year's show and happened to meet a Falun Gong practitioner in the park who gave her a DVD of the Shen Yun show. The DVD was elegantly gift wrapped with a golden yellow surface. She happily accepted it and repeatedly thanked the practitioner.

After watching the show, Ms. Lu told me, "Chinese culture has been bestowed on us by the Divine. Each and every piece in the show was beautifully designed. The performances by the Shen Yun artists are flawless. The show conveys a message of utmost truth and benevolence, and has tremendous momentum and energy behind it. Everyone in the audience is attentively watching every performance, which is very moving. Many in the audience are sometimes in tears, sometimes laughing and filled with happiness. I can see that all the performers are performing from their heart and every detail in the show is up to the highest standard. I was moved by the show and would like to praise it from the bottom of my heart. It is so beautiful, without a thread of influence from Chinese Communist Party culture. What Shen Yun conveys is true, traditional Chinese culture. The show should be widely promoted to benefit society."

Ms. Lu said that every year she carefully watches the show several times and never gets tired of it. "I respect and look up to all the members and artists of the Shen Yun Performing Arts company," she said.

"Today I have obtained a lot"

One day I took my bike to a repair shop. After I paid for the repair, I politely asked, "I have a DVD of this year's Shen Yun show. Would your DVD player be able to play it?"

The repairman eagerly replied, "Of course it can play it. That is great. I have been wondering why the 2010 Shen Yun Performance DVD hasn't come out yet. I didn't expect it would come today. It looks like my wish did come true." He continued, "My whole family watched last year's show and we have still have the DVD. The DVD resolution is very clear and the visual effect is great. After watching the past shows for several years, I feel that this is the best show ever. Shen Yun is the pride of the Chinese people. We cherish and are awed by Shen Yun."

I then gave him a DVD, but he didn't take it immediately. He smiled and said, "My hands have grease from repairing the bike. The DVD is so clean. Please put it in my pocket. I will take it home and watch it later. Thank you so much."

After I put it in his pocket, he nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Today I have obtained a lot."

People Are Longing to See Shen Yun

Ms. Wang is a young and successful employee at a company in Fenxi County, Shanxi Province. For the past several years, she has been a fan of Shen Yun. Every year after watching the show, she could hardly wait for next year's show.

A few days ago, we ran into each other on the street. She anxiously asked me, "How come you didn't give me a DVD of the Shen Yun show yet? The other day when I visited a friend, they were watching the show. They only had one copy of the DVD and wouldn't let me borrow it. Shen Yun performances have profound meaning and superior content. It is so beautiful that I can't describe it in words. Please give me a copy of the show right away."

I gave her a DVD and she left in a hurry to go back home to watch the show.

"Shen Yun has no match"

After watching the Shen Yun 2010 Performance DVD, a viewer in China said, "The beautiful Shen Yun show manifests the five-thousand-year-old Chinese divine culture. From the stage design to the profound meaning of the show's content, Shen Yun has no match."

"The more I watch it, the more I love it. I watch it whenever I have time"

Villagers in Ninghe County, Tianjin City all enjoy watching the Shen Yun show. Villager Li Ping said, "The Shen Yun show is so great that I never get tired of watching it."

Seventy-year-old villager Liu Xin said, "The chief director of the show must be an extraordinary person. Otherwise, nobody would be able to direct such a great show."

Villager Zhang Yu, over 60 years old, is from the Wuqing area of Tianjin City. After watching the show, Zhang said in excitement, "It is so great! I don't know how to describe my feelings. It is simply excellent. And the lyrics are so well-written."

Villager Wang Qing said, "I love to watch the show. The more I watch it, the more I love it. And I watch it whenever I have time."

April 21, 2010