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An Executive's Journey (Photo)

June 5, 2010 |   By correspondent Huang Yusheng from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Liao Xiaolan is an executive director at an American company's Taiwan subsidiary. He holds a Bachelor's degree in engineering from Taiwan University and a Master's degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. Mr. Huang learned about Falun Gong in March 1996. After he spent an entire night reading the book Zhuan Falun, he began practicing Falun Gong the next day.

The Liao family

Dafa Answered His Questions

Liao Xiaolan has been an avid reader since childhood, but he was unable to find a genuine cultivation method after reading about several religions and ancient cultivation methods. When he read Zhuan Falun, he was impressed by the profound, righteous principles, and decided to become a Falun Gong practitioner. He underwent significant physical and mental changes, and felt like a new person.

Memorizing the Book

After reading Zhuan Falun, it occurred to him how marvelous it would be to memorize this book and others, so that they would always be with him, wherever he was. He began by memorizing short articles, starting with Lunyu, and pieces in Essentials for Further Advancement.

During a visit to Taiwan in 1997, Master Li Hongzhi suggested that Taiwanese practitioners go to Changchun to learn about other practitioners' experiences. Following Master's advice, Liao Xiaolan went to Changchun and also to Beijing in December 1997. While there, he found that many practitioners were memorizing Zhuan Falun. He began to memorize Zhuan Falun in January 1998, after returning to Taiwan. He devoted all his spare time to this effort, and it paid off. He managed to memorize one lecture per month, and by July 1998 he had memorized the entire book for the first time.

Witnessing History

Liao Xiaolan told a reporter, "The book changed the world, and it teaches humanity to uphold morality at a high level."

He recalled the early days when Falun Gong was first introduced in Taiwan. Practitioners there could only get four books from China: Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa, and Zhuan Falun II. Mr. Liao eventually did typesetting for the traditional Chinese version of Zhuan Falun, and after proofreading by several practitioners, the book was published. Taiwanese practitioners began ordering traditional Chinese versions from Hong Kong in 1997. In 1998, Taiwanese practitioners were allowed to print Dafa books in Taiwan.

Mr. Liao said that Falun Dafa taught him to live a fruitful life. He continued, "Physical health is not the primary purpose of cultivation."

Family Life Harmonized after Cultivation

Liao Xiaolan's wife is also a practitioner. He commented, "Though we are both practitioners, we sometimes have friction. But since we both are practitioners, when conflicts arise, we both look for our own issues. Many people in today's society face marriage problems. They care little about the other side, and complain and accuse each other. After a while the relationship between husband and wife is beyond repair."

If a practitioner always thinks about his own problems and thinks of others first, the conflicts could easily be resolved. Mr. Liao has many friends and relatives, but most have their share of family troubles.

Hoping More Might Benefit

After Liao Xiaolan had practiced Falun Gong for a month, he told many colleagues about the practice and encouraged them to learn Falun Gong. During lunch breaks they gathered in a conference room to read Zhuan Falun. He eventually organized a nine-day video class [showing Master's lectures].

"Prior to July 20, 1999, my cultivation was mostly about improving myself. The cultivation environment was simple. After 1999, when many people were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies, the practitioners began to devote their time and energy to clarifying the truth. That is a practitioner's responsibility."

Liao Xiaolan hopes that people will see through the CCP propaganda and recognize Dafa's beauty. He hopes more people will practice Falun Gong and enjoy the positive changes in their lives.