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Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Rally to Protest Persecution in China Held at Liuhe Night Market (Photos)

July 20, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 17, Kaohsiung practitioners held a rally at the Liuhe Night Market to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong and appeal for public support to end the persecution. The rally attracted many local residents and Chinese tourists.

Giant banner: "Call for Conscience to End the Persecution"

Candlelight vigil to commemorate fellow Chinese practitioners who have died in the persecution

Candlelight vigil to commemorate fellow Chinese practitioners who have died in the persecution

Practitioners' truth-clarification posters

Many Mainland Chinese tourists watch the rally

A practitioner explains the truth about Falun Gong to a passerby

The Liuhe Night Market is the most famous Kaohsiung gourmet market, attracting many tourists. Near the Sun Yat-Sen Road, practitioners held a candlelight vigil and displayed several giant banners which read, "Call for Conscience to End the Persecution" and "Commemorating 3397 Falun Gong practitioners who have died in the persecution in China." In the front rows, 40 female practitioners held portraits of practitioners who have died in the persecution. The practitioners also set up a TV set to play truth-clarifying videos. The site was very touching, and many people were moved to tears.

Ms. Guo shared her experience practicing Falun Dafa

At the rally, Ms. Guo shared how Falun Gong gave her a new life. She was terminally ill with advanced cancer. "At the end of 2000, doctors told me that I could only live 3-6 more months. I then started a painful round of therapy. It was very exhausting. I looked like a person over 80 years old. At my point of desperation, my brother gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun and taught me the exercises. Gradually, my mindset changed and I soon regained a healthy body. Now 10 years have passed, and I am still very healthy. It is really remarkable."

Two other practitioners shared their truth-clarifying experiences at tourist sites. They also offered their answers to common questions raised by people. At the end of the rally, the practitioners demonstrated the five exercises of Falun Gong.

The rally site attracted many passersby who received Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. After learning about the truth, one lady said: "The Chinese Communist Party is terrible, and I had never heard about the persecution. It should be stopped immediately."

While Falun Gong has been persecuted since 1999, practitioners in Taiwan have grown from tens of thousands to several hundred thousands. Today, Falun Gong is practiced freely in 113 countries and regions outside of Mainland China.