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Gratitude for Revered Master's Boundless Grace: Doing Well What Practitioners Should Do

July 6, 2010 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Fayuan from Mainland China


I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1999, when my health was very bad. I started to suffer from joint swelling and low grade fever in 1993. It was so painful that I couldn't walk and no treatment could cure me. In 1997 my husband went through major surgery for a tumor, and couldn't take care of me. Instead, I had to take care of him with a severe limp. Our pension was just a few hundred monthly yuan. Life was really difficult due to this degree of suffering and I was at the lowest point of my life. My brother is a doctor. He told me that there was no cure for this disease and suggested that I practice qigong. Therefore, I found a practice site and walked there, despite my limp. A practitioner loaned me the book Zhuan Falun. I felt that this book was wonderful after reading through it. Since then, my life has undergone tremendous changes and I found a home for my soul. This was the greatest turning point of my life. After practicing Dafa, all of my illnesses disappeared. I feel that my whole body is agile and I do not feel tired no matter how far I walk.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. I didn't give up even though I had just obtained the Fa only a few months earlier. To the contrary, I clearly saw the corruption of the CCP and how it was destroying true human nature. I wondered what was wrong with the government. This is such a good exercise. It turns hearts to goodness, and improves people's health and morality. It is a great benefit to people and the country. Master's selfless dedication benefits all mankind.

I thought this persecution was unfair so I went outside to post truth-clarifying pamphlets. Sometimes I wrote with chalk that Falun Dafa is a righteous practice which teaches people to improve by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Sometimes, there were no printed materials so I bought paper to write on and then posted these handmade banners in buildings. No matter what, I was going to go to Beijing to appeal for Master. I asked a few practitioners if they would like to join me, but they were all busy with family matters . Therefore, I left for Beijing that same afternoon. I hadn't had time to make a banner yet. I arrived in Beijing around 3 p.m. the next afternoon. I went to Tiananmen Square and started to practice the Falun Gong exercises. I didn't care that there were a few people watching me practice Falun Gong. After quite a while, a policeman showed up and took me into a police car. My purpose was to meet them and tell them not to help the government to persecute kind people and to tell them how good Falun Dafa is and how Master saves sentient beings. I went home after ten days.

Studying the Fa and Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials

In 2000, our truth-clarifying materials production site was destroyed. For a very long time, I couldn't obtain Master's lectures and articles. So I went to talk to the fellow practitioner who first loaned me the Falun Dafa books. She introduced me to practitioners who were making truth-clarification materials. Since then I have been able to obtain various materials. I sent truth-clarification materials to the practitioners who live close to me and we study the Fa together, which is the very form of cultivation that Master has given us. Several of us went out to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa.

Once, other practitioners sent me a bag of truth-clarification booklets. Everyone was very happy and thought it would be wonderful if we could print them ourselves. Once we had this idea, Master helped us. Soon I got in touch with a practitioner from another materials production site. I know that Master arranged all of this. The fellow practitioner gave us a small, used copy machine. She taught us how to use it so we could print the truth-clarification materials by ourselves. However, there were difficulties meant to upgrade our xinxing. Sometimes we had trouble with the equipment. Before the material production site was fully operational, the fellow practitioner who had given us the copy machine was arrested. The practitioner making the truth-clarification materials was heavily burdened without a copy machine. According to articles on the Minghui website, "We should not wait for or depend on and ask others to take the initiative." All of us should work together. Master said, "each person needs to walk his own path" ( "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students"). It's my mission to help Master with Fa-rectification and save sentient beings. Therefore, I bought a printer with 1,000 yuan saved from my limited wages.

During the process of making informational materials, many things related to xinxing cultivation came up. Sometimes the equipment didn't cooperate, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I was afraid to touch any of the parts. What should I do? I could depend on others to fix it, as some practitioners reminded me, "It's not safe for older people to request after-sales service." But I thought that Falun Dafa practitioners are doing righteous deeds; with Master and Falun Dafa, I should do whatever a Falun Dafa practitioner should do. How could I leave the danger and difficulties to other practitioners? That's absolutely not the way I should be. Therefore, I did everything by myself such as purchasing the printing material, and the after-sales service. Just like Master said,

"You play the leading role in this period of history, and the existence of everything at present, whether it be evil or the upright gods, has to do with you. It is walking straight your path that is most important." ("Walk Straight Your Path")

Diligently doing what Dafa practitioners are supposed to

I am not good at expressing myself and I don't want to think about how good my cultivation is. But I know I must sincerely, solidly cultivate myself according to the Fa and harmonize with Falun Dafa. For example, when distributing truth-clarification materials, I select some very persuasive and easy to accept information, and never do it with the mentality of finishing tasks. I would feel sorry if I didn't have enough copies to cover the entire neighborhood. Sometimes I would think, "The CCP uses police officers to persecute Falun Dafa and practitioners, I should distribute truth-clarification material and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to residential buildings in Police Departments so they can understand the truth, stop committing wrongdoings and be saved. I didn't pay attention to the video camera monitoring system and just thought the security door should be open. With this thought, two people came out of the security door without locking it. I was deeply touched. Master has done all of this. It is, "When disciples have ample righteous thoughts Master has the power to turn back the tide." ("The Master-Disciple Bond" from Hong Yin II, Translation Version A)

In early 2008, one practitioner sent 2,000 yuan to support Falun Dafa activities. I sent it to the material production site immediately. The practitioner who is in charge of the material production site said, "You can use the money to buy a computer and I will make up the difference if it is not enough." I said, "No I don't need it. I will save my own money to buy it, I can't use the money intended for Falun Dafa." The fellow practitioner said, "How long will it take to save enough money to buy the computer? When it comes time for Fa-rectification of the human world, there will be no need. It is now that truth-clarification materials sites should be widely spread like flowers blossoming everywhere."

It was very hard for me since I had never touched a computer and had only graduated from elementary school. I knew nothing about computers. Through several days' hard work, and with revered Master's strengthening and protection, the difficulties were resolved within one month. Now I can operate the material production sites independently. I have the Fa in my heart whenever Falun Dafa needs me and I am not pursuing fame, gain, or emotion. I just cultivate solidly. When we think from the perspective of Falun Dafa and saving sentient beings, Master will always strengthen and protect us.