(Clearwisdom.net) Ladakh is a remote area in the Himalayas, at the northern tip of India. On the 18th of July, Falun Gong practitioners prepared a truth clarification exhibition in the center of Leh, the biggest town of Ladakh. Many residents were pleased to receive some flyers and more information, as the Tibetan people are supportive of the practitioners' cause. Ladakhis, as well as people from all over India, and people from different countries were very happy to accept the informational materials.
One man from Mumbai said he always wanted to join the group practice in his town. Speaking with the practitioners and reading the flyer they gave him, he suddenly realized that the practice site was very near his house and that he would definitely go there.
One famous Ladakhi movie star stopped by and congratulated the practitioners for informing the people about the persecution.
One young woman from Singapore stayed for a long time and took many materials in Chinese because she wanted to be informed before going to China, where she would be studying during the year.
A teacher from a village took many materials, and said he would inform his students and other teachers about Falun Dafa and the persecution.
A Tibetan monk from a far away monastery also accepted many materials and said that he would inform all the monks in his monastery about Dafa.
Category: Clarifying the Truth