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“These People Are Hired to Distribute Flyers” Is a Total Lie (Photo)

Oct. 1, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) Tourists from mainland China to Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries are warmly welcomed by Falun Gong practitioners at various scenic spots, where they can see truth-clarification display boards, receive flyers relating the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution or listen to Falun Gong practitioners explain these facts. Many tourists have learned the facts and learned that the “self-immolation” and the so-called “1400 death cases” were lies fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to slander Falun Gong. They have also gotten to know the facts about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party and that Falun Gong has spread widely around the world.

In order to prevent people from learning the truth, the CCP uses tour guides to threaten the tourists, preventing them from seeing the display boards or receiving flyers, and at the same time, they spread lies that all those who distribute flyers are hired and paid to do so by Falun Gong. It is obvious just how scared the CCP is about the public learning the truth.

The CCP has become so corrupt that it's hard to find officials who are free of corruption. Most of the officials who have participated in the persecution against Falun Gong are despicable, small men who only care about money and give no consideration for conscience. They do not believe in the principle that good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil. The CCP has always used money to lure people into persecuting kindhearted Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP believes that others are as avaricious and mercenary as they are; so they have fabricated lies to tarnish Falun Gong, such as, “Falun Gong has hired people to distribute flyers.”

Many people in mainland China have read the truth-clarification flyers distributed by local Falun Gong practitioners, and they may have met Falun Gong practitioners who clarified the truth to them in person. Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China risk their lives and face the real danger of being arrested, beaten, sent to labor camps, sentenced to imprisonment, tortured or even being tortured to death in order to explain the truth to people. They use their own money to print materials and distribute them. Can such noble deeds be bought with money? Would you be willing to take such risks if you were offered money? It takes only a little thought to figure out that Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China are clarifying the facts voluntarily, using their own time and resources to do so.

Falun Gong practitioners overseas are the same as those in mainland China, as they hold the same beliefs and are doing the same things. How can they do these things for money or hire someone else to do these things for them, while their fellow practitioners in mainland China are sacrificing their own interests unconditionally? Although Falun Gong practitioners overseas do not face the danger of imprisonment and torture when clarifying the facts to people, their sacrifice is also very significant. They stand there all day long, distributing truth-clarification materials and dealing with all kinds of people, and sometimes they are also ridiculed or laughed at by those who have been misled by the CCP. What they are doing is also a form of “suffering physically and mentally”. (Zhuan Falun) Can such sacrifice be bought with money? Besides, who would have the money to hire so many people who are so committed to what they are doing?

For example, Chen Keren, Board Director and General Manager of an online games company in Taiwan, has experienced great benefits from practicing Falun Gong, both in terms of his physical health and his business. He often goes to the scenic spot at Building 101 in Taipei to clarify the truth to tourists from mainland China. He will bring with him a small TV set and DVDs to play at the tourist spot every weekend, and many tourists from mainland China stop to watch. Falun Gong practitioner Fang Fubin is also a successful businessman who has his own factory. After he started to practice Falun Gong in 2003, the skin disease he had suffered from disappeared without a trace. He has also joined others in truth-clarification work. There are many other such cases, which I will not go into detail about here. Clearly, these people were not paid to clarify the facts to tourists.

Having benefited from Falun Gong practice, Fang Fubin tells people that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is very wrong.

Falun Gong practitioners' clarifying the facts to people at scenic spots is a compassionate act, completely voluntary and self-funded. These practitioners have gained good health and moral elevation through practicing Falun Gong. They want to help the people in mainland China to break away from the lies of the CCP. From the perspective of their beliefs, this is also part of their cultivation and what they are doing is saving sentient beings. For such an important matter, one has to hold a pure and kind heart to achieve any effect. How could they possibly do it for money? How could they hire non-practitioners to do these things for them?

Confucius said, “The mind of the superior man is conversant with righteousness, while the mind of the small man is conversant with profits.” Falun Gong practitioners believe in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and their actions are also inspired by such principles. Whereas the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is evil conduct driven by money and personal gain. It is a pure lie of the CCP to say that Falun Gong practitioners hire people to distribute flyers. As for tour guides, they should not spread such lies for the CCP. We sincerely hope that tourists from mainland China will not be deceived by the CCP's lies. Since you have the opportunity to step outside of China and are free from the blockade the CCP has imposed upon the press and Internet, then why not cherish this precious opportunity to learn the truth? You do not need to sacrifice anything, but what you gain may be priceless blessings.