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Ms. Ma Xiaoshun from Guiyang City Illegally Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison

Dec. 18, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Guizhou Province, China

Name: Ma Xiaoshun (马晓顺)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 3, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Guizhou Province No.1 Women's Prison (贵州省第一女子监狱)
City: Guiyang
Province: Guizhou
Persecution Suffered: Detention, illegal sentencing

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Ma Xiaoshun from Guiyang City was secretly sentenced to nine years in prison on November 23, 2011. She is currently being held in Guizhou Province Women's Prison.

Ms. Ma was illeglaly arrested on November 3, 2011. Participating in the arrest were Wang Peng from the Guiyang City Police Department; an officer from the Nanming District Police Department; Zhang Qianjun, Party secretary of the Xingyun Community; and Luo and He from the Feng Gang County Domestic Security Division. She was then held in the Fenggang County Detention Center.

Ms. Ma's case was submitted to the Fenggang County Procuratorate on November 4. She has been on a hunger strike since she was arrested. She developed high blood pressure, kidney stones, organ failure, and insufficient blood supply. Because of her poor physical condition, she was sent to the Fengguang County People's Hospital on November 15 for medical treatment.

The Fenggang County Procurator submitted Ms. Ma's case to the Fenggang Court on November 8. Around November 23, the court covertly sentenced her to nine years in prison without informing her family. Disregarding her poor physical condition, the police sent Ms. Ma to Guizhou Province No.1 Women's Prison (formerly called Yang Ai Prison), where she is being held in Division 4, Ward No.5.

The Guizhou 610 Office directed and controlled the entire process of Ms. Ma's ordeal.

Guizhou Province Women's Prison personnel have brutally persecuted Falun Gong practitioners for several years. Practitioners detained there are often subjected to beatings by guards and criminal inmates who are assigned to monitor the practitioners. The practitioners are also forced to do hard labor. Several practitioners have held hunger strikes to protest the persecution, but they were subsequently tied up on death beds for a long time and force-fed.


Torture Re-enactment: Death Bed

Prison authorities assign two or more criminal inmates to monitor one practitioner around the clock. They do not allow the practitioners to do the Falun Gong exercises, study the Falun Gong teachings, or talk to others.

Practitioners who have died as a result of physical abuse and torture in this prison include Xu Jiarong, Wei Yalan, Yang Hongyan, Gao Qiying, and others.

Relevant contact information:

Xiao Yinhui, head of Division 4, Yangai Prison: +86-13608517561

Please refer to the original Chinese article for the more people and offices involved in the persecution.