(Clearwisdom.net) The Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom) published two articles in the column “Persecution News” that both mentioned the term “special situation.” This is worth serious review.
Ms. Xu Guixia
The first article, “Sixty-year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xu Guixia Tortured on Tiger Bench for Three Days in Huichun City,” details the persecution of Ms. Xu after her arrest:
“Four officers from the Huichun Domestic Security Division and the Guangmingjie Police Station went to Ms. Xu’s home at 9 a.m. on September 11, 2008, searching everywhere without permission. She asked, ‘Do you have a search permit?’ The agents said carelessly, ‘No, but this is a special situation.’” (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/2/21/123388.html)
What is this “special situation”?
According to the law, the authorities cannot search a person’s home without permission. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) carries out the persecution of Falun Gong illegally. That’s why the CCP’s police dare to ransack a practitioner's home by just saying “This is a 'special situation.'”
What is this "special situation," then? It is an illegal campaign of persecution—brutal repression and endless harassment with no basis in law or reason.
Ms. Xu not only had her home ransacked, she was also tortured on a tiger bench for three days.
Her head was covered with a bag and a gang of police officers together punched and beat her head, face, and ears, and kicked her legs. Her face was swollen and her ears were ringing. An agent from the Domestic Security Division punched Ms. Xu in the forehead really hard. In addition, the police handcuffed Ms. Xu very tightly, leaving deep marks on her wrists.
So is all of this dictated by the “special situation?”
Ms. Xu didn’t commit any crime. Even criminals are not allowed to be tortured this brutally, but the CCP’s police do not observe legal restrictions when it comes to Falun Gong.
Mr. Xu Yushan
In another case, Mr. Xu Yushan, a Falun Gong practitioner in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, lost two front teeth when guards tied strips of cloth around his mouth.
While detained in solitary confinement, he was forced to sit in a metal chair, under which there was a three-inch piece of metal. The guards assigned prisoner monitors to dump a bag of hair clippings into his underclothes against his skin and to put a special heavy woven hat over his head which covered his eyes and made him sweat. The hair made Mr. Xu itch unbearably, but he was unable to move his hands, feet, or chest because he was tightly tied to the chair.
In addition, the guards rubbed tobacco powder on Mr. Xu’s genitals, causing such pain that he almost lost consciousness.
Furthermore, the guards assigned prisoner Song Xiaojun to put bits of fiberglass material all over Mr. Xu’s body. Mr. Xu felt like he was sitting on needles. The fiberglass caused him extreme pain and itching, which was so unbearable that even death seemed to be the lesser of the two evils.
The police said to him, "It seems you are not afraid of death. We will not let you die, but will make you live in a state worse than death. We just want to play with you. When we are tired of playing, we will make you completely disabled. Then we will let you go home to die there several days later. The higher-level officials in the labor camp bureau know you and so do those in other divisions. They all know what is going on here, and they will take the responsibility. Since someone else is taking responsibility, let us play. We fed you well to help you recover so that we can play with you!"
The police said they wanted to give Mr. Xu “special treatment,” another example of the “special situation.”
The police tortured him in other ways as well. They repeatedly put a lit cigarette into his nose, badly burning the outside of his nostrils and leaving scars, and smeared the hottest chili on Mr. Xu’s eyes, ears, anus, and genitals. They didn't stop even when they saw his genitals start to bleed.
When Mr. Xu lost consciousness due to the torture, they threw cold water on him to wake him. They used cigarettes to burn his toenails and fingernails.
Such Persecution is Widespread
Falun Gong practitioners in all parts of Mainland China are tortured like this. The police severely persecute practitioners by using the excuse of a “special situation.” They call it “special treatment” to use harsh torture on Falun Gong practitioners.
Another article on the Minghui website, “Nine Years and Fifteen Days of Persecution,” exposed the persecution of a farmer named Mr. Wang Xianan from Baoquan Village, Jiatan Community, Xianfeng Town, Jiangjin District, Chongqing, who was illegally detained in Yongchuan Prison for nine years and 15 days. During his detainment, his family went to visit him in June 2009, but the guards didn’t allow them to see him. Mr. Wang asked the guards, “Why is my family not allowed to see me?” Guard Liu Xiangang shouted, “Don't ask me about that! They are just not allowed! Only those under a ‘special situation’ can come to see you.” (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/2/24/123441.html)
The guard, Liu Xiangang, took it for granted that it was normal to deprive Falun Gong practitioners of family visits. That’s why he said, “Only those under a ‘special situation’ can come to see you.” The persecution of Mr. Wang was already special and abnormal. Not allowing practitioners to be visited is also a form of persecution. So what did he mean by “special situation” in this case? It actually refers to the fact that the police used practitioners’ affection for their family members to torture them mentally.
The guards didn’t allow Mr. Wang’s family to visit him. However, when he was about to be released, Mr. Wang saw officials from the 610 Office talking to his daughter. He listened and discovered that the officials said bad things about him, trying to stir up conflicts between him and his daughter to make her hate him.
Those Who Do Evil Will Ultimately Meet With Justice
I wrote this article because of the term “special situation” used in the two articles.
In the persecution of Falun Gong, everything that the CCP has done and continues to do is completely illegal. However, in order to conceal their evil deeds, the Party and its followers uses the term “special situation.” As practitioners expose the CCP and its evil deeds more and more, the true evil nature of the CCP is being revealed.
When the police claim a “special situation,” it is just an excuse to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. However, no matter how sophisticated they make the excuse, it cannot conceal the evil nature of the CCP and its monstrous crimes.
Category: Perspective