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New Practitioner: I’m So Fortunate to Have Learned Dafa

Aug. 18, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a practitioner in a farm village who learned Dafa in January, 2007. Recalling the event, I feel that the process of my obtaining the Fa was just miraculous. In 2006, I was restless and anxious because I had been ill and taking medicine for a long time. One day I ran into a neighbor and felt much better after I chatted with her. Later, when I asked her about it, she said she had no idea why, but invited me to visit her. I wanted her to help me cure my illness, but she said she couldn’t. Later I found out that she practiced Falun Gong.

In January 2007, I got another illness and felt that my stomach was very full and filled with gas. I went to see several doctors, but none of them were able to help. I told the neighbor that I was going to the provincial hospital to have another examination. She suggested that I listen to Teacher’s lecture. I felt happy when I began to listen to it, and the more I listened the better I felt. This is the way I started practicing Dafa.

One month after I obtained Dafa, all my illnesses, including heart disease, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and backaches, all went away. I felt for the first time the joy of having a healthy body.

As a practitioner, I followed Teacher’s instruction to send forth righteous thoughts four times a day. One day, I felt sick when I got home after working in the field, so I went to bed. But I felt I was wrong as soon as I lay down. Teacher had purified my body and said that a practitioner cannot get ill. Since I was not sick, I got up right away and sent forth righteous thoughts to get rid of the evil factors in the other dimension. The symptoms of illness went away very quickly. This type of thing occurred several times.

I have been telling people the facts about Falun Gong and urging them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). No matter how far it is, as long as there is a need, I will not hesitate to go. In the beginning, I only urged my relatives and friends to quit the CCP, but later on, I encouraged other people.

One day there was a village fair. Another practitioner and I saw a fellow with his bicycle standing on the roadside. We asked him if he had joined the CCP or its associated organizations. He said he had joined the Youth League. We urged him to quit, but he refused. We were not disheartened. Soon, two of his fellow villagers came. We talked to them and got both to quit the CCP and its associated organizations. The one with the bike saw what happened and agreed to quit the Youth League, too. Then five people came, all heading to the fair. They had never joined the CCP or its associated organizations. We gave each of them an amulet (1) and told them to recite “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” They thanked us profusely, but we told them they should thank Teacher instead.

Fellow practitioners, let us work together to accomplish our pre-historic missions and fulfill our promises. Let us save people while cultivating ourselves.

This is my first time submitting an article. Please point out my deficiencies.


(1) Amulets In China, practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.