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Ms. Zhang Lihua and Her Son in Harbin Illegally Sentenced; Family Has Great Difficulties Appealing for Justice

Aug. 20, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lihua and her son, Mr. Cui Changsheng, from Acheng District, Harbin, were arrested on September 26, 2010. On March 24, 2011, Ms. Zhang was sentenced to six years and Mr. Cui to five years.

Her husband, Mr. Cui Lanming, rents out their house and uses the rent to fight for Ms. Zhang and their son. Now her husband has become homeless. After he learned about the sentences, Mr. Cui Lanming appealed on their behalf but was turned down by Harbin Intermediate Court. Mr. Cui and their relatives are still appealing.

They attested to the innocence of Ms. Zhang and Mr. Cui Changsheng at the Acheng Public Security Bureau, the court, the Procuratorate, and other government offices, but received cold receptions. Receptionists claimed it was not their business and told them to appeal to the Supreme Court in Harbin or the Forced Labor Bureau. They followed directions and went to the Harbin Supreme Court, but the receptionist there said they had to appeal to an intermediate court first and could not bypass it. When they went to the Intermediate Court, that receptionist asked for a trust deed from Ms. Zhang's husband, and also copies of their IDs and the judgments from the first and second trials.

During this time, Mr. Cui was very worried and suffered from cerebral thrombosis and hemiplegia. One of his arms became numb and he could not move it. Mr. Cui had to live in an apartment for the elderly after he rented out their house.

On July 29, 2011, Mr. Cui's relatives took the required documents to the Intermediate Court, but were told the bill had to be signed by Ms. Zhang and her son or written by Ms. Zhang and her son. Ms. Zhang is now detained in Harbin Women's Prison, and her son in Hulan Prison. Their relatives went to visit them but were told they were now undergoing three months of “training” and could only meet their family members once. Ms. Zhang could be visited on August 26, and Mr. Cui on August 7. The family is now waiting for the meeting days.

The law enforcement departments passed the buck, so the appeal process for Ms. Zhang has been very difficult. We ask for people to pay attention to their case and obtain justice for Ms. Zhang and her son so that their family can be re-united.

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Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/4/9/238774.html